The Investigation

49 4 32

Read in Landscape!!!

A master leaves the spring of life a student enters his
And both by high decree of clan a questing chore are give.
To go to realm that lays beside the ocean's misting spray
And find the secrets hid in place that clan by crown was gave.

For long the time had come and gone that realm was left behind
No tax was took or conscripts gained from place that long abides
Outside the watch of clannish keep or even emp'rers law
Though place was well equipped and kept and far and wide did sprawl.

For many years so many men had tried to contact make
And journeyed forth inside that realm to learn it's plighted fate
Including those from warring clan that sent this pair of men
A bushi-dan they orders gave to any conflict end.

But lo the days have come and gone no word was gained of land
And elders feared the silence sent by mighty warring band.
So off this pair of men were sent now wearing deep disguise
To gain what force had failed to gain through tricks and cunning lies.

And guise did grieve the heart of men who're force to wear the garbs
Though trained since birth to always meet their foes in battle hard
Yet still no other way was known to see what purpose fell
And laid upon the foreign realm where many subjects dwelled.

So on they went on country roads and hidden paths they took,
And all their noble wear and ways the pair now deft forsook.
As peasants went they cloaked in garb of meager serf and hid
Their curving blades inside their robes as elder council bid.

And further on the men then went the odder things became
And looks received the waring pair though high disguise they deign
For many folks did wonder well at strangers come to land
From foreign place so far away what thoughts they had and plans?

Yet none did dare approach the men their thoughts obscured by fear
And left the place they lived and worked as strangers drew yet near.
And each did cast a glance at pair before they hasty left
That showed a look of folk for long of peace and ease bereft.

Now after many miles the sun did hasty sink in sky
Obscuring charmed but deadly lands from mortals prying eyes
So none could see the danger all did know would surely come
A deadly time the nightfall was in the land of the rising sun.

So pair do hasty find an inn and make to there repose
To ease this low ignoble task that grants them many woes.
Inside they tread and all the eyes of men to pair do turn
With worried look that fears for self and strangers quickly spurns.

To head of inn they fast approach and lay before him rent
The meager coins the pair were gave when on this quest they're sent
By head of clan to find what thing had undermined the realm
In hopes they'll bring a message back so clan could overwhelm

Whatever force had taken hold and kept the thing for self
Along with all the goods it holds though place has common wealth.
The head of house then lead the men to room in which they'll stay
From prying eye the pair are took by man to bed in which they'll lay

Then turns to leave with eyes yet filled with many wary woe
Departing men in cautious way to sleep in brief abode.
Then younger man to elder turns and speaks in voice that's hushed
In pausing tone of warrior's way that's fierce yet still not rushed.

"Weight of the air and the fear in their eyes
Tell me that danger before us does lie.
Manner so grim and a dread that's so deep
Secret of tormentor all do yet keep.

Master, I ask what of omens you make
Tell me what evils befallen their fate?"

The elder sat removing cloak revealing single arm
Along with curving blade he kept that caused so many harm.
He met the gaze of younger man and quick began to speak
To tell his former student thing that man did current seek.

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