The Words of the Medium

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Away from carnage beast had wrought the man and boy do go
To town where child did current live and seer at present bodes
The only help in all the land against that dreadful beast
Whose grant a way of coming wrath of fox to current see.

They wind across the ancient hold and seek what things she'll say
To find if any words she gives might help the creature slay. 
From far away he village sees that lays among the hills
And presses on at faster past his quest to soon fufill

Into the town the pair do go to serfdoms great alarm
To see a man of higher state by law allowed to harm
Those lower station grant by birth by fickle hand of chance
Not given way to better selves or change their lowly stance.

But warrior heeds no mind to folk for man in midst was raised
Of poorer kind of folk as such as ones who stand in way
So on he goes and pays no mind to any ling'ring stares
Resenting heart against these serf's not thing he current dares

And ever on does press the ground as boy does lead the way
Unto the shack where seer at present time does current lay.
They reach the door and lonely linger as boy his courage gains
To enter room of obscure seer perhaps to certain pain.

But in he pressed for sake of man and request he made at length
To take the warrior down to one who sure could lend him strength
And tell the man of chance to gain a hold above his foe
Along with way to wage with sword a battle very bold.

To side he lay his master's box that hold the elders bone
That man had sat about to take on journey long alone
Preparing self to meet the seer inside this meager hold
In hopes that such might help the man attain his goal.

Inside they go to shroud of smoke that blots the sight from eyes
So none who first do enter room yet anything espy.
But slowly eyes of both do turn and quick correct his stare
That shows the rest of home that's made unto the questing pair.

In center sat of middle age a woman ancient made
Although no mark that laid on form did make that elder claim
Instead the air that hang about of distant past now spoke
Of deeds yet done and tales yet told and stories long yet wrote.

Upon her face by smoke ensconced her eyes remained unstirred
A sight they caused them both to pause as words she spoke unnerved. 

"Ancient whispers fill my hearing telling tale of man a nearing
Warrior proud on quest a veering, wants my lore of ages old
Mystic weighs the sword you carry making heart to grow yet wary
Sent upon this task to tarry long though thing's to great and bold

Careful blade you keep is lying leading man to fate that's dying
Time that steel has long been biding puffing up a warrior's pride..."

Then warrior hearing words she spoke did backwards hasty wend
Surprised that women knew so much of man that chance did send
Yet felt relief that still the one he's current sent to seek
Of future times and things to come does truly present speak.

Before her man does lowly bow and ask the seers truth
And bids that woman grants him quest by speaking fabled sooth.

"I've heard you speak your sooth and of future times do tell
Of things yet undone by men and of sights their eyes have yet beheld.
Your magic words and ways are proven by thing you knew
Of sword I hold that's wrought by an ancient anvil hewed.

Now come I down to speak and of woman's lore to ask
That seer might grant a way that this man completes his task
To slay that beast that is held in this land from a distant time
And of an ancient working way that some weakness man might find

That lets him lay his hand on that beast of the many tails
Succeeding where many men have tried before and failed.
Yet speak you now and fear that's new inside my heart does grow
And stress I never knew before in mind has taken hold.

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