The Outskirts of Tori No Su

90 9 97

Read in landscape!!!

Now deep in night the boy did steal from home he shortly made
On out to world from hold he kept from nest he briefly made,
And went across the rolling lands not long but far for boy
Not knowing many other folk had failed this very ploy.

Nor effort people need to make to live in world so wide
Where even men yet grown have failed their bodies downward lied.
Yet still he onward went from town to country laid so green,
The light of moon that shone so bright the thing by which it's seen.

Till boy did find a place to rest where child may lay his head
Inside a shrub that hides his form and eased this night his dread.
So boy now deftly hides in place in hopes it shelter gives
That child in great and wilder lands at least a night may live.

So down he lays uneasy felt beneath a leafy veil
In hopes to live to see the day so tale the boy could tell.
Now off he drifts on bed of grass his pack beneath his head
Though strange unkept the place that boy had chose to use as bed.

Uneasy sleep now came and went for child who held his peace,
And back and forth in rest he laid with very little ease.
Uncomely sights now haunted boy who deep in slumber rest
Of ancient woes in Nihon's land who came his will to test.

Yet long the morning came to pass and boy began to rise
Though little rested up he set as sun did greet his eyes.
He dust his clothes and took his path again on journey set
With only vaguest will he owned he still does onward get.

For boy does know he's born outside his proper place and role
To find a station child can serve is current highest goal.
So over hills from village far his legs do current walk
At dangers found inside these land the boy refused to balk.

Though owning neither skill nor tools he needs to brave this place
Still on does go the little boy at hastened charging pace,
But after time his feet do hurt and brief he rest his load
Though ever far from warring ways his heart does present goad.

On side of hill he stops to rest before his pack he takes
There looking down at all he owns what things may help his fate.
But sudden sounds of children's play from other side of hill
Does cause the boy from chore to pause, his heart by noise was stilled.

He crouched yet low from pack on ground and gazed then over plain
To see what things on child's head the will of fate does deign.
Below the boy do children play from farmer's village come
Their laughing giggling makeshift ways now sounding loud like drum.

For long in wonder child does look at thing he's never done
For seldom playful leisure's grant, for warrior's way's not fun.
Yet still an envy creeps inside a want to join them all,
And journey down to place where children laugh and play and sprawl.

So up he raises self from ground to wend his way to rest
Of children playing many games where leisure seemed at best.
So down from slope he trotting came to greet them all at play,
And met them all and joined with group for most the rest of day

For many hours children played till sun was high in sky
In hidden plain where great they bide for current place and time.
They labor hard at easy things as children alway do,
And pass the time till finally day then came to hour of noon.

Then down from village came a group of older boys to place
With fury painted over face and stepping quick in haste.
Between their kin and kingly child they formed a daunting line
With fearsome stance that spoke of rage at oddly sight they find.

Then out from midst the tallest came his arms were tightly crossed,
And up to princeling's face he went his will to boy accost.

"Who yet comes to our folk and does seek from our hand?
But a welpling who's born of the Samurai clan.
With no ranking or honor preserving his place
When the rest of our kinsmen the rascal does grace?

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