The Amenities of a Villian

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Read in Landscape!!!

And leisure bought at cost of heart did only grieve the mind
Of elder sat in gilded cage no peace the man could find.
Inside a mighty fortress built of finest works and craft
At present hung a cloud on head that stoked a warriors wrath.

The boy he love and raised to man now laid afar in field
When squadron's darts had fallen hard on head a death to deal.
And elder sat his heart was broke and all his future wants
Were merely ghost inside his mind as heart they hopeless haunt.

And long he sat not knowing reason men had brought him here
To lovely cage of comely wood not slaying man in fear.
Yet even so he felt his death now drew yet close indeed
Atop his head a blow would fall as guard's own warlord heeds.

For long he sat with only fears and grief as friends in room
That ever felt yet more to man like gilded whitewashed tomb.
His heart was faint more faint than ever felt in whole of life
Though man for many ages past had waged a warring strife.

For even far in distant lands amongst these foreign folk
Yet still are children things they seek and things that grant them hope.
And ancient men though battle hard are biden not to grieve
At such a fate befallen man that siren call he heeds.

And long alone he sat in room not moving self from place
A stoic figure silent made not given well to haste.
No deed or path yet laid before the man who's present held
Inside this fortress fair and tall where wicked men do dwell.

And long the hours come on go or maybe thing was days?
For neither cared the elder man who on the floor yet laid.
But only turned his mind on thing that sure to man was lost
The boy in man that elder raised this way and life had cost.

Then open slid the door to room inside the guards arrive
Perhaps his death at edge of blade his captors sure devised.
They stretched their hand and took their hold and led the elder far
For man so frail deprived of will thus journeyed very hard.

Inside a room they take the man at head a nobles sat
With flowing robes and finest crest that all the world begat.
His hair was long like womens' mane and face was just as fair
With piercing eyes that plumbed the depth of all that court did dare.

And though with warworn men who bide and do his battling chore
Too handsome's made the man for one who practiced ways of war
What hold or might does bear this man that lets him make the ways
That men of mighty warlike lot are bid to sure obey?

Like David's son who went to war and fought against his kin
This man a many others bent to will he bids in end.
Then sudden raised he high his hand and gave a gentle wave
And warrior felt his body fill with heat and heart and brave.

From seated stance he felt renewed his face was well and flushed
No longer weak and wearied man who came to court arushed
By hands of anxious warring men who forced their heady wants
Their give by higher noble seat who words they surely daunt.

Though still he's grieved for son he felt for sure his strength renewed
If only saber laid in reach of hand for sure this fiend he'd hue,
But seeming man did know his thought and gave a crooked smile
And spoke in voice that's sugar sweet but still so very vile.

"Heart of crow and depths of night
Black is all your heart with spite
Ancient tomes with inky spells
Bind the whole of all that dwell.

Deep in home and near my hearth
All are bid to play their part.
Think yet long on killing plan
Warriors made for ruling man?"

Then sudden man's own heart did leap to know his thoughts
Are easy read across his face so sure was vengeance wrought.
So elder fast composes self before his captor's court
In hopes that subtle patient plans could still this man yet thwart.

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