A Final Kindness

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Read in Landscape!!!

At edge of strength the time in life when just before it fades
A final kindness student gives and seeks his master's grave
That man had chose in dying days on foreign mountain side
To serve as final resting place where body might be lied.

Behind him goes a little cart that holds a chest alone
Inside the box a bed is made that carry's elder's bones.
So lonely trek a swordsmen makes that's beat by wind and rain
Across the lands when bleached by sun he worked and distance gains.

A sadly sight to all who see him going forth alone
With handles grasped inside his palms he many miles did roam.
His form unkept as one who holds a burden deep in heart
Though still convicted well to go and play this noble part.

The dusty roads his sandals wore and beat about his clothes
Yet still he turns himself about and ever on then goes.
So long this tragic form then wanders all of Nihon's holds
To find the place his master bid where man might lay him low.

His plodding feet are wearied still at time of end of day
And scrape the ground with lonely sound along the path he stays.
The sweat on head does solid bead and run about his face
That speaks of deep intent to keep this ever plodding pace.

Ungive to any beat of rain or natures other blights
That tries to stir the man from course and alter still his plight.
But other forces hold a plan that stands against his will,
And marching path the man below would work to further still.

As bandits hid in brambles spy the foreign man now come
Along his lonely road and course with little cart that runs
The chest behind him slowly drug, a suspect sight to see
What things inside it holds the boards, what riches chance decrees?

Then chief of thieves does turn aside and speaks to rest of men
Convincing now like times before to give themselves to sin.

"Fall of rain in deepest drought
Riches found along our route
Gather men and down we'll go
Down to place where warrior bodes

Surely chest he takes so bold's
Filled with many gems and gold.
Gather soon and downward cant
Down to road our time be scant."

So all in silent malice stood from place they current kept
And went with skill for many years they hone and made adept
To set upon the man they found inside the hold they claim
Though knowing little things he holds it's good they still yet deign

To claim whatever comes about for good does seldom work
To wind it's way across their path and give itself to hurt
Through bushes men do silent pass with shade of midday trees
In hopes to hide their sight from man to more than aptly grieve

The one who current tows their boon and take with thieving deed
A wicked tact to gain what's good they ever on do heed.
Their sordid means a worthy way for ones whose honor's gone
With morals weak they set to prove their bodies much too strong

To long defy or short dispatch so given well they still
Do onward go to road below the warring man to kill.
From forest shadows men do come before the meager man
Behind and straight in front of path the bandits present stand.

Against the one who carries cart along with master's bones
Unknowing stood the lot of men with all their weapons honed.
But man remained unmoved and gazed not up at face of men
Who came about this road to take and gain for selves with sin.

His eyes at ground are downward cast his body still unmoved
Now thinking staying hand from task might sure his will behoove.
Then out there came the bandit chief and spoke abroad of will
In hope that words with which he taunts a greater fear instills.

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