Chapter 4

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Day 1246... I couldn't be bothered with writing anything too long today. It was Friday which meant all my work from this week needed to be wrapped up and turned into the court room or filed. I've gotten a lot of cases about mistreating house elves and one thing on Wednesday about someone spotting a loose dragon near Hogwarts, which was a false alarm.

Draco walked in while Hermione was filing some of the papers into her cabinets. Draco couldn't help but notice you could see the outline of her languire through her skirt. He knew the Hermione he once knew would never let this happen. "Malfoy are you gonna stop staring at my ass and speak?"

He quickly straightened up and looked away. "Don't flatter yourself Granger, I was simply admiring the design on your cabinets."

"Sure you were." She said walking away from the cabinets. "So what's up? You don't have any papers."

"Oh yeah me and Blaise are going to the carnival in London tomorrow night and we had 2 extra tickets. Wanted to know if you wanted to come and invite a friend?" Draco said almost nervously but he wouldn't let it show.

"Sure, I'll ask Ginny, but please tell me this isn't like a double date or something."

"It's not, even if Blaise might hope it is." Hermione laughed. "That was easy, I expected to have to beg you or something."

"Well I've grown to tolerate you the past week and Blaise wasn't as insufferable as you in school so maybe this could be fun."

"It will be, but don't get too upset when I beat you in all the carnival games." Draco told her with a smirk.

"Nope, I won't be upset because I know I'm gonna beat you in all of them." Hermione said mirroring his smirk.

"Sure whatever will help you sleep tonight Granger." He said with a smile.

"I'm gonna sleep great because its true."

"Okay if thats what you think." He said and she groaned. "Okay I really gotta get back to work Granger, I'll see you tomorrow, here's the tickets." He said pulling 2 short slips of paper from his pocket.

"Okay see you tomorrow, thank you." She said smiling and taking the tickets.

"No problem." He nodded and walked out. After he left she decided to call Ginny to see if she wanted to meet up for lunch. Once she said she could and gave a name of a cafe, Hermione put away her phone and got quickly back to work.

The day went by slowly until lunch came around. Hermione walked up to the cafe and saw Ginny sitting at a small table with a coffee. "Hey Gin!" she greeted her walking up to the table.

"Hermione!" She said getting up and hugging Hermione then they both sat down. "So what's going on?"

"Hold on I'm going to order real fast then I'll let you know everything." Ginny nodded in response. She went up ordered herself a sandwich and a coffee then took her coffee and as she was about to walk off they handed her Ginny's sandwich. "Here you go Gin, they said this was yours."

"Oh yes, doesn't it look so good."

"It really does! So Malfoy invited me to go to the carnival in London with him and Blaise tomorrow and he said I could take a friend, so want to come?" Hermione asked enthusiastically and obviously Ginny didn't feel the same.

"With Zabini and Malfoy, really? This seems like shit idea."

"It'll be fine, I've began to tolerate Malfoy this past week, he has actually changed, and Blaise was never truly as bad as Malfoy in school." She admitted and Ginny shrugged.

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