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NOTE: I advise you dear readers to read every single bit of this chapter, because it is rather important for rather important reasons.

Disclaimer: This is going to be the GREATEST story of all time. That's right, STORY, not fanfic, because this FANFIC will exceed ALL OTHER STORIES in ABSOLUTE AMAZINGNESS. If you can't handle AMAZINGNESS, then leave now. But if you can, then prepare yourself for absolute AMAZINGNESS.

Second Disclaimer: This is going to be a legendary epic great amazing story fanfic about the legendary great epic tale of Mikitani. If you can't handle epic epicness, then drop it, and leave it. But if you can handle epic epicness, then follow me as we see a legendary tale of legendaryness through the eyes of Mikitani, the legendary epic god king of ANHS.

Third Disclaimer: In case you're unaware, Mikitani is not an OC. Mikitani is that absolutely legendary character that appears in chapter 4 of Y2V4; the one who went against Koenji and was with Kiriyama and the free group. He is such a legend.

Fourth Disclaimer: Classroom of The Elite and it's characters are not owned by me. All credit goes to Shōgo Kinugasa.


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