Chapter 9 - Photograph

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1 month passed after our 1 week business trip in Ilocos we're really busy for the whole month even now..

Z has been spending a lot of time with me, we go out sometimes but we often spend time in bed because of him.. our relationship? Yeah we've discussed about this and we're JUST FRIENDS a two consenting adults enjoying each other's pleasure..

Besides I think he's already into someone I overheard his conversation with his grandfather that he's going to marry someone I guess? It doesn't matter, after he got married we'll end this JUST FRIENDS relationship..

"Lei" speaking of the pervert devil

"Yes Z?"

"Let's go home together"

"We always do that"

"Last time you didn't"


"Where's Lei?" -Z

"She went home already" -Daniella

"Sht!" -Z

He went to my condo..

"You didn't wait for me Lei"

"Why do I have to wait for you?"

"I told you we'll go home together"

"You didn't tell me, I thought it's just for several days"

"We'll go home together always remember that! As for your punishment we'll have 12 rounds tonight!"


*end of flashback*

"It was just that time"

"Tss, fine. Let's have lunch"

"I'll just finish this"

"I can't wait" then he pulled me out of my working place

Tss, such an impatient person.

While he's driving we already passed KFC *pouut* aww we're not going to eat KFC fries :(

"Where are we going to have lunch?" I asked

"Here" he said

We stopped over a house, no, a mansion, a palace, a villa, is the the Malacañang?

"Where are we?" I asked

"My house" he said

"What are we doing here?"

"Having lunch? With my parents.."

"H-huh?! W-what?! I-i don't k-know about t-this Z!"

"HAHAHA! Just meet them" then he kissed my cheeks

"Hi mom! Hi dad! Why are you here Xyriel?" -Z

"Is that the proper way to greet your cute little sister?" -Xyriel Versace (Z's little sister)

"Sit down Z, care to introduce the beautiful lady beside you?" -Katherine Versace (Z's mother)

"I was about to do it mom, this is my future wife Ashe Lei Michaelis" -Z

What the fvck is Z saying?!

"Oh future wife huh? That's nice. I'll look forward to your wedding then my future daugther in law" -Alfred Versace (Z's father)

Z winks at me, it's a sign to ride on to his show off. Tss -,-

"Ah-eh-uhm, s-sure hehe" good luck Lei

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