Chapter 10 - Jealou[Z]y

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"Be prepared everyone if we get this client to invest in our company it will be a very big help. Lei already gave you a black envelope you should read it carefully it contains all of the details within our topic. Be sure that our company will be clean and organized with friendly employees. Any questions? ..... then the meeting is adjourned good day everyone" -Alfred

At last! Natapos din!

"Hey dad, we will have lunch for a minute" I said

"Sure, be ready for our client ok?" -Alfred

"We will dad" i said ang kulet much

"Come on Lei" i said to her, she really works hard she need a break sometimes.. last night she didn't sleep because she's tying to work on some people's investment

"Where do you want to eat?" i asked

"KFC" she said

We drove all the way to KFC and while I'm driving she's sleeping, tss Bakit kasi hindi kasi natulog tong taong to?!

Calling Dad...

"Hello dad?"

"Yes Z? Why did you call? Did something happened?"

"Nah, I decided to head home after we have lunch. Lei's tired she didn't sleep last night she needs some rest right now she's sleeping here at the car"

"Sure Z, make sure she'll take a rest. Take care of her Z"

"Thanks dad. I'll hung up"

Call Ended

"Lei.." *poke* *poke*

"Y-yeah?" *yaaawwwnn*

"We're here" i said then opened the door for her

I ordered fries and flavor shots because she likes bone-less chicken

"Let's go home after eating" i said

"Why? We don't have to" she said

"You need to take a rest, you're tired"

"No I'm not and besides I have to work on some files"

"Do it tomorrow after the client leaves"

"Z we don--"

"No buts Lei, do as I say"

"What about your dad? He'll look for us"

"I already called him"


"When you're asleep at the car"

"What did he said?"

"Take a rest. Now let's head home so tha you can sleep"

She didn't answer, she just slept inside the car again. After a short drive I didn't bother to wake her up I just carried her to our room and covered her with a blanket.

*fast forward*

"Get up Z"


"5:30am, I cooked breakfast let's eat first"

"Thanks Lei" then I kissed her cheeks

"Thanks for making me rest Z, I really feel better now"

"Anything for you Lei"

Then we started eating after that we both took a shower, got dressed and went to the office

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