Chapter 32

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We're currently looking at our base's blue print

"Set up cameras in every corner"

"Plant bombs in the roof and in every possible entrances and exits"


"Is the transfer of all datas secured in the other base?"

"Yeah it's done"

"Upload fake datas in the vault and in the computer"

"All the bombs are ready"

"Place the rifles and ammunitions everywhere"

"Secure the windows in second and third floors"


"Kill the lights"

"Wear your night vision lenses, blink twice to deactive or activate"

"Two persons in every posts"

"Watch each other's back"

"This is the same as our mission our priority is everyone's safety"


"It's 10 o'clock be ready"

No sign of them..

What the fvck is going on?

Is the threat a prank?

"Z no signs of intruders"

Incoming Call Unknown Number ...

"What the hell is going on?!"

"I decided not to kill your organization today"

"Is this a joke?! Damn you!"

"We'll eliminate you anytime soon without a notice be prepared"

Phone Call Ends ...

"The killer said he won't eliminate our organization today"

"What the?!"

"They'll just come without a notice"

"This is bullsht!"

"Z did you hear something?"

"What's that?"

"Oh sht!"

"That call is a bluff *cough* BE ON GUARD EVERYONE!!!"

"This fvckng smoke is *cough* too much"

"I-i didn't know they'll still use smoke grenades even if the light *cough* is off"

Love like all the time

A big heart, pretty smile,

A beautiful mind

When she walks in the room,

Man look how she shines

Don't need no spotlight, no fancy design

Yeah, yeah, that's my baby,

That's, that's my baby

Never wanna leave her you couldn't pay me and I, oh

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