Chapter 16 - 特効薬

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Zupp? I guess all this time you're wondering what am i? I'm just simply one of a hell boss.

Yup, a boss.. of the most powerful organization in the underground ..

May i introduce Mr. Benjamin Statham and Mr. Calvin Statham, Mr. Benjamin is the former boss of the org. her wife left her when she found out that he is a heartless killer and because of that they only had one son, their only heir is Mr. Calvin.. Mr. Benjamin passed the organization to Mr. Calvin when he's diagnosed being positive to lung cancer, but Mr. Calvin is randomly kidnapping gradeschool students, he's a rapist.. he raped all the students he kidnapped and kill them after that, and i was one of those kidnapped students..

He made me smell the handkerchief with chloroform and tied me up in a chair.. when he's about to begin he untied me, he spread my legs and my hand reacted grabbing his eyeballs i grab the ballpen in my pocket and stab him at his neck until he lost his breathing..

I cried, i can't move because i cannot believe i've killed a person.. i heard the door creaking and i saw the boss of the boss, Mr. Benjamin..

He hit me with his cane and yelled at me why did i killed his son.. i said the truth, after a moment of silence he told me to come back tomorrow or else he'd kill me,

Every after classes there's always a limousine waiting for me..

Mr. Benjamin trained me every single day, he also taught me how to conceal bruises so that my parents won't find out, when Mr. Benjamin is brought to the hospital the doctor said he only have 1 month left to live, he passed the organization to me.. his last words were "You're my greatest creation and i'm so proud of you.. you are the key in becoming the ruler of the most powerful underground organization" Until then i promise to do what he said..

Other members left because they can't accept the fact that their ruler is just a 7 year old kid.. but the others choose to stay and served me with loyalty, years passed i developed an untraceable bullet, poisoned blades, killer drugs and performed large transactions in the underground, we've gathered a large amount of money, fire arms and even drugs, but don't get me wrong co'z i don't use drugs.. we recruited and trained people to expand our organization we continued doing that and after a while we became the most powerful organization in the world feared by everyone well known as the Silver Bullet ..

I became a renowed detective blank and gained the trust of the police but i refuse to give my identity.. i shouldn't be in public it will be dangerous for me.. solving cases was all part of my brain exercise..

All organizations tried to kill me and bring down our organizaton but they failed and worst they're killed.. by us..

Jarred found out about this and i choose to tell him the truth, he's againts me at first but i persuade him, i also trained him personally at the end he choose to stay and protect his beloved little sister.. me!

With Jarred in hand, our oraganization continued being the most powerful until we've became untouchable.. all of the bodyguards of mom and dad are part of our organization but mom and dad didn't know about it, of course we kept it as a secret.. meanwhile the other organizations gave up in using my parents as a bait to kill me, they can't touch us.. and those who intended to will be killed immediately..

I went here in the Philippines to investigate.. i have some issues with the org. they traded their fire arms with our drugs, it's quite normal but i think there's something odd about it, and i want to personally investigate.. i heard that org. settles here in Philippines..

We only have one rule.. DON'T FALL INLOVE , why? Because when you fall inlove you give everything until nothing is left for you, we can't let that happen..

Incoming Call: Jarred

"Hey Ashe!"


"I just wanna know your plan"


"Going here without Z, he's a little possessive you know"

"I'll go without saying anything to him"

"You really don't care huh? I thought you love him?"

"You know i can't right, and besides we're just trying to act as couple"

"I know, but can't you fall for him? He's a good man though"

"Why don't you love him yourself instead of pushing me to him"

"Whoa! Easy, i'm not into yaoi relationships"

"Tss, pick me up i'll be there at exactly 4pm use the Dodge Charger Daytona and check the roads"

"Yown! Yan ang gusto ko sayo Ashe eh, what's your ride?"

"My private plane"

"Take care Ashe, just tell me if your on board"

"Yeah i will, don't make me wait Jarred i'm telling you"

"Yes young lady"

Phone Call Ends

"Lei.. why are you up so early? It's only 3am"

"Nothing, get back to sleep Z"

"Come here" then he hugged me

I'm sorry Z.. i have to do this, i'll be back..

After that i didn't bother to bring some clothes i just changed my outfit and went to my private plane

Calling Jarred..


"Yes Ashe?"

"The plane will take off in 10minutes erase this number i won't be using this anymore i'm sure Z will call me when he found out i'm gone i'll just call you with a different number when i arrive"

"Understood. Have a safe trip little sis"

"Tell the maids to clean the house and i want a cup of tea when i arrive"

"Yes young lady"

Phone Call Ends..

"Good morning Madame, would you like something to eat or drink?" the flight stewardess asked

"Just earl grey tea and cheese cake" i replied

"Sure Madame, it will be ready in a minute" she said then left

What will he do if i'm gone? Will he wait for me? Will he search for me? Or he'll just find another girl?

Tss, bakit ko ba iniisip yun? I shouldn't be stressed.. and besides he doesn't care afterall, i should keep in mind that our relationship is just a trial.. i shouldn't be carried away.. he can't love someone like me he won't be safe..

Nafall na ba ako sa kanya? Tss, how stupid can you be Lei! You can't fall inlove and no one will fall for you because you're one of a hell killer! You can't be loved Lei that's why don't assume things that isn't real.. sigurado ako kapag nalaman nya kung ano ako he'll fall out, it's better this way..

"Here's your earl grey and cheese cake Madame" the stewardess said and lend me the cake and tea

"Thanks" i said

I have to take a rest...

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