Chapter Three

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Sitting on the dingy mattress on her floor, Thea pondered over the room she was in. Unlike her brothers' rooms, her's wasn't adorned with expensive decorations and furniture. Her room consisted over a queen mattress, no bed frame and basic beige sheets with two pillows. She didn't have a closet door, not that it mattered because she owned about four pieces of clothes beyond her two dresses. She had one small bedside table that held small gifts her brothers would bring her, and a few books she used to study or read.

The new addition to her room sat proudly next to the wall, a smooth trunk full of the required books, supplies, robes, and her wand. Knock Knock.

"Come in Sirius," Thea answered, knowing no one else would come in her room so late at night. When Sirius walked in, his eyes fell upon the trunk and he stood confused. "I left today. The house."

"What?" Sirius almost shouted, sitting down next to his sister. 

"I know right! She let me go out and get my school supplies, and Reg came to. I was so nervous at first but it was wonderful. I felt like I could breathe for the first time."

"Merlin Thea that is amazing," Sirius beamed. "Did you get a wand?"

"Yes, but mother put a charm on it and it won't let me use it until she disarms it."

"Hm... I feel like I remember something of the sorts, one minute," Sirius replied, leaving the room before returning back a few minutes later with a dusty book in his hand. "Was supposed to use this but it never left my room, go to the chapter on disarmament."

Sirius sat in the room as Thea sped read through the chapters, eyebrows furrowed in her concentration. 

"Got it," she smiled, her finger pointing to the spell. "Right here."

"Use my wand," Sirius responded firmly, and Thea's eyes widened. "Do it."

"Sirius? Are you sure?" Thea asked and Sirius responded with a nod. 

Taking a deep breath, she put his wand in her hand. She didn't feel anything special, not the way it felt when she first held her wand. After a minute of mental preparation, she whipped the wand and said the spell, her wand glowing before dropping down. "You think it worked?"

"Only one way to tell," Sirius replied. 

Hesitantly, Thea took her wands in her hand, the charm off of it. "Look!"

Sirius watched his sister proudly, sticking his wand back into his pocket. "It's beautiful Thea."

"It's perfect," Thea smiled in response. She sat with her wand in her hand, tracing over the wood and engravings. Sirius sat too, his mind stuck in his thoughts. "What's the matter?"

"Just don't understand it," Sirius muttered. "You're way more powerful than me, smarter then anyone I know. You've got the light mark, yet you somehow didn't get your letter when I did? It doesn't make sense."

"I try not to think about it, maybe I did get a letter. Maybe it got lost, who knows. You think I'll be put in first year classes?"

"Merlin, there's no way. You're absolutely brilliant and have nearly mastered wandless magic which is something most haven't. You've studied every book Regulus and I have left here, you must be caught up."

"Wow," Thea joked. "Thought brothers were supposed to be mean."

"I will leave Regulus up to that," Sirius responded, but Thea glared at him. "Alright, I'm joking. He means well towards you, but I don't fully forgive him for the things he believes."

"Where do you go all day?" Thea asked abruptly.

"I don't know," Sirius sighed. "Anywhere but here. Potters sometimes, we'll usually. I'll take you with me one day, to see my friends, and to see the rivers and trees. It'll be third year soon, promise." 

"I hope so," Thea said as she crawled into her bed, laying her head down. "Been a long day. Night Sirius, love you."

"Night," Sirius responded as she saw himself out, walking to his room. 

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