Chapter Seven

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Hogwarts was nothing short of a dream. Thea couldn't understand how students complained. The schoolwork wasn't impossible, in fact it was stimulating her brain the way it had needed to be done for years. Most of the students were angels, or they were like the Marauders. Thea did have a lot of attention but it was something her name gave her. 

"Hey Thea," Lily Evans, her redhead dorm mate whispered. "Partners?"

Thea smiled and nodded her head. As much as she loved her brother and the rest of the Marauders, it was nice to have girl friends, she had never had any before. Lily was very sweet, and intelligent. She recognizes something was peculiar about Thea but she excepted it and pushed her to socialize with the other girls. 

It didn't take her too long to grow close to the Marauders and to Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas. 

"Thea, tell me," James sighed dramatically, "what is it like being friends with Lily?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Remus rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if your ego wasn't so big you would know," Thea responded, warning a laugh from the group. "Just kidding. She's very sweet, but you know that already."

"What am I doing wrong?" James hallowed, pretending to cry. Sirius immediately threw a pillow at James, an attempt to shut him up. Which was unsuccessful. "Oh merlin. I'm dying. I've been shot. Tell Lily I love her."

"Merlin James, will you shut up," Remus growled, trying to do homework. 

"Live a little Moony, here, throw a pillow, let it out," Sirius teased, handing him a pillow. 

"C'mon Remus!" Peter egged him on, standing up and offering his body up to be the target. 

"Aw, our Rem is scared of a pillow," James teased. Without a second thought or looking up, Remus flinged the pillow at James, or what he thought was James. Once he looked back, he saw the pillow launched right on Thea's face.

"Oh-," Remus began to apologize, but Thea broke out in laughter taking the pillow and throwing it back at a red-faced Moony. 

It didn't take long for the scene to go as imagined. Pillows everywhere, feathers fluttering in the air. Remus watched as Thea smiled. It was soft, everything about her was surprisingly soft. Her laugh, her dimple, her eyes, the way she talked. She seemed so genuinely happy, it was like he could watch the sadness melt from her eyes at times.

And Thea was so genuinely happy. There was no lie to it. The boys and their Thea. They quickly grew protective of her. If they heard someone talking about Thea, James and Sirius were quick to end it. Peter and Remus made sure she never felt left out. She felt at home for the first time in her life.

Remus found himself adoring Thea too often. He pondered over how she could be so gentle and sweet after everything she had gone through. Thea had similarities to  Sirius, but she really was uniquely Thea.

"Hey Rem?" Thea asked, snapping Remus out of his previous train of thoughts. 

"Yes?" Remus answered, a little nervous as he made eye contact with her. It was late at night, Merlin knows where James and Sirius were. Peter tended to go to bed early. Other than them, the common room was empty. 

"I'm having a bit of trouble in Charms right now. I was wondering if you could help at all? It's alright if not," Thea rambled a bit. 

"Mhm, need be to get my stuff?"

"I don't think so. I have the work done, the charm just isn't quite working for me."

"Why don't you show me?" Remus suggested. He watched as Thea took the wand gracefully, yet holding it slightly awkward. She pronounced the words perfectly. "I think it's just your wand movement. You've got everything else down rather brilliantly."

"Why thank you," Thea smiled proudly. "I'm mostly self taught."

"Sirius told me you could do wandless magic almost perfectly? That's insane," Remus continued to compliment the girl. 

"No need to flatter me Remus," Thea gushed. "You want to help me with my wand?" 

Remus nodded his head and held her wand, admiring the dark wood with the complimentary engravings. "May I?"

Thea nodded her head, holding her hand out. Remus correctly sat the wand in her hand and wrapped it in hers, then wrapped his hand over hers. 

Her hand was shockingly soft and his mind raced nervously. How was she so delicate, even down to her hands?

Before his thoughts could trail even more, he took a deep breathe.

"Okay, just feel my hand movements and focus on them. Once you've got that down, the words will work."

The two sat there for nearly thirty minutes, practicing the wand movements. Thea was a fast learner, and Remus knew that, but he was enjoying the feeling, it felt natural. Thea also found that she was rather touch starved at a young age. Only a few moments later, she did it by herself and pointed at the cauldron, shrinking it. 

"Oh thank you Rem!" Thea squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug. Remus nodded his head, a pink face in response. 

The next day, Sirius came to his sister with a poorly wrapped package and a proud smile. 

"I got you something," he shouted, urging her to open it. She looked at her brother a little confused and unsure, but excited. 

"James and I made an early visit to Hogsmade. I know you needed some clothes and stuff," Sirius hinted, watching her light up as she gave him a quick hug before returning to the gift. 

"Can I open it?" Thea asked eagerly.

"You don't have to ask," Sirius chuckled a little, nodding his head. Remus walked into the common room, sitting at a table and eating a bit of chocolate with a headache.

Thea smiled as she opened the two packages, holding up a soft brown knit sweater in her hands, along with stocking, a pair of pants, and a few other basic clothing items. 

"It's so perfect Sirius, all of it," She squealed, hugging him again.

"I asked Marlene for a bit of help, but I think I did okay. You can get more when we go to Hosmade later, but I figured you deserved something now other than your single pair of pajamas and school robes."

Remus watched the entire interaction. It was strange to watch Sirius be so gentle towards someone, yet he gushed for his sister. He watched Thea beam and be thankful for basic human kindness. It made Remus smile, seeing the two happy, yet his stomach could turn thinking about what Thea must have gone through to not completely understand basic human kindness. 

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