Karlnap x Reader {Lime}

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⚠️make outs, cursing, masterbation⚠️

Future you?🎤

Karl and F!Y/N are making out. But are unaware (or are they) of who is watching.


"Karl~" I say searching around the area. We were playing hide and seek with Sapnap after he came to visit. We were in the main wear house of the Mr. Beast crew but everyone had gone out to film stuff. It was just me, Karl and Sapnap.

"Karl~ Come out~" I began singing as I skipped around the lower floor. I heard giggling from a nearby storage container. My head snapped over to the direction of the sound. I tip toed to the container as to not alert Karl who was trying to muffle his laughs.

I swung the doors open yelling "Found you!" Earning a loud scream from the brunette cowering in the corner.

Sapnap POV:

I heard a muffled yell and a scream as I hid. Y/N found Karl then. I went out of my hiding spot and made my way down the stairs quietly to watch them. I had developed feelings for them both, however I didn't know if they were open to starting a poly relationship and therefore kept my feelings hidden.

They sat on the end of the storage container and began talking. "Sappy definitely heard you scream hun. He'll come find us soon I'm sure." Y/N said as she fixed Karl's hair. I blushed at the nickname. She had never called me Sappy before so I assume it's a new thing.

"You looked like a serial killer Bunny." Karl said. The name caught me off guard. He called her that in the SMP but I didn't know it transferred over to the real world too. "Sounded like one too." He kissed her as they continued to wait for me. Unaware that I was sat 20 feet away.


I melted into his kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My eyes opened as we parted and I saw something in the corner of my eye.


"Sappy's watching darling~" I whisper into his ear disguising it's a hug. I didn't know why he didn't come up to us right away but it was obvious from the way he acted around us, he had feelings for one - or both of us.

"I know Bun." Karl whispered back relaxing into my embrace. "How about we give him a little show hm~?" I laughed at his new found confidence.

"Where's the confidence coming from?"

"You being right where I need you to." He stated as he pulled me onto his lap. I was now straddling him. My back facing where Sapnap was 'hidden'.

"Okay then." I chuckled. "Let's give him a little show." I quoted Karl and he rolled his eyes and smirked. He gently closed the gap between us and trailed his hands down my thighs and to under my ass stroking small circles as he moved his hands up and down.

His gentle kiss began to get hungrier and sloppier and more passionate as he began to sneak more and more glances at Sapnap.

Karl POV:

I began to steal glances over to Sapnap as my mind focused fully on Y/N. I wanted to see what Sapnap was doing though.

Even from this distance, you could see a visible tent in his jeans and he looked down. Blushing when he realised what was happening, he 'hid' further behind another crate. I then saw his legs extend and the fabric of his jeans go slightly slack. He had gotten his cock out. I chuckled against Y/N's lips.

"Why you laughing babe?" She said pulling away looking down at me.

"Sap got his cock out." I watch as a pink tint rose to her cheeks as I bluntly smiled and looked up at her.

"Oh my. Well then. We can't leave him like that can we?"

Sapnap POV:

I watched as they pulled apart as I began to stroke my now hard cock, biting into my shirt to muffle the groans that were coming out of my mouth. I heard them talking but couldn't make it out before I looked back at them.

Karl had pinned Y/N to the floor of the container they were sat on and had started to kiss her again. This time I could see the list in his eyes even from this distance. I continued watching them as I stroked myself faster and faster and my moans became more rapid and lower. Eventually, I came just as they stopped making out. I saw Karl whisper something to Y/N and she smirked before sitting up and pecking Karl's lips once more before hopping off the container and walking towards me. I pulled my pants up and crawled to the other side of the containers before standing up and walking back over to the place they just were. Y/N turned and looked at me innocently.

I raised an eyebrow and then climbed onto the edge of the container and sat there myself. It was warm from where Y/N had been laying on it.

"You're a loser Karl." I laughed as if I didn't just watch my two best friends and the people I had a crush on make out and pleasure myself to them.

"Mhm sure." He said rolling his eyes. He sat next to me placing his hand dangerously close to my thigh and Y/N came and sat on my lap. I blushed at the both of them.

"Eh? What's going on?" I started to feel myself get hard again under Y/N and willed myself not to.

"Don't act like you didn't just jack off to your two best friends." Y/N said leaning her head back on my shoulder. "Sappy~" she moaned out and I blushed even harder.

"Yeah Sappy~ it's not like you're good at hiding. Honestly I'm surprised Y/N didn't find you first." Karl said moving to behind me and placing his hands on my waist.

"You- knew?" My breath hitched halfway as I felt Y/N's fingers close to my now hard cock.

"Duh." They both said at the same time. They smiled at me then at each other.

"How about we sort out our eh? If you're okay with that?" Y/N stated as she moved in my lap to straddle me.

"Yes!" I said quickly before I cleared my throat, "I-I mean yeah. That would be helpful." I ended and heard Karl chuckle behind me. They lead me into the container and used their phone flashlights as a light source after they closed the doors.


Part two coming soon~

-Siera :)

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