CH 3 - Portal

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"There uhh... something I need to tell you, Lennon..." Vespera says staring her eyes into my soul. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? I start getting tense...

"Woah why are you getting all sweaty. It's a good thing, Lennon. Omg calm!" She says chuckling.

"I know how you can make me into an angel. But it's not easy."

"What!? Omg yay! How do we do it?"

"Stand back and uh. Close your eyes"

Vespera starts wishing her hands around and she says some Weird language. It starts getting really hot and the room is spreading vines everywhere. Then appeared a portal with leaves hanging out just in front of her.

"Cmon kid, let me show you something."

We both step in and everything just turns colourful. All the angels and like 3 or 4 demons. It's so magical and pretty.

"Here hop on my back I will take you to our lemon shop. I hope you like lemons..."

Um, I don't like lemons. But I'll do it to be nice.

I slid onto her back and I hope when she flies her spiked-up wings won't hurt me...
She started flying way down. I had to hold onto her horns just so I can stay on.

As we landed my hair was fizzy and I had to put it in a ponytail.
"Now... now that was INTENSE!" I say while I rub my head. "Yeah haha. Also, don't worry I think there are a few other humans here too." She responds

"Here, 3 lemons, please. Keep the change." She says to the small worker. Three lemons? There are just two of us... she tosses me and juicy lemon and I ask "why 3 lemons?"

"2 for me and 1 for you. Now here follow me. It's just down this road."

I start following Vespera and we arrived at the huge tree. I was about to knock but I got cut off with a "What are you doing?"

"I'm knocking..?"

"What's knocking?"


"Whatever," I say sighing. She started howling and growling like some Morse code thing and the tree opened up. HOW??? SHE WAS HOWLING. Eh, whatever their not human.

We walked in and got greeted by some small hamster-looking guy

"why hello Vespera and Lennon! What brings you to
see me?" He says walking his tiny feet to us. how does he know my name...

"Weslington, She wants me to be an angel. And I know rule 664 says that for a demon to turn into an angel they have to get the Memphis Gem. What's a Memphis Gem?" Vespera asks as Weslington grabs us a seat.

"Ah I knew this day would come... well you see, a Memphis Gem is in the town called Newfell. It's really dirty and is being kept by a really strong keeper. So if your looking forward to getting it, beware." He answers taking his top hat off.
"Now go. I cannot tell you more!" He says while the long carpet swooshes is out of there.

"Um..." I say out of shock. "Was he for real?"

"Yes. We should get that Gem. I mean, you want me to be an angel right?"

I nod and we start walking to the maps guy. Well. At least that's where I think we are walking...

Them. Duh. Teamwork😍!

(Editing is kinda done.) (was too lazy)

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