CH 7 - Betrayal

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"This wasn't part of the deal! I said don't hurt them." Weslington says out of anger.

"Deal..?" Vespera questions. What deal is he talking about?

"I'm sorry Vespera... I really am and-" Weslington got cut off with the demon saying "oh shut up Weslington. I just need the gem and we will all be fine."

"Vespera just give it to him..." I say with an ashy voice still sitting on the ground.

"But... what about me? I want to be an angel. For you Lennon." She replies with emotion. Weslington ran out of the room and said "I'll get help".

"Nobody will help you Weslington." The demon tried to say but Weslington had already got out of the room.

The demon ran to her and aimed a punch to her face making her nose bleed a bit. I think she feels weak. She tried to punch him but he blocked it. "He's too powerful," I say.

He throws her against the rail of the balcony almost making her fall off. I get up with a glass piece that was shattered when I fell and I ran towards him. It probably won't do much but eh. "Don't touch her!" I yell while I stab his back. Some of his blood had gotten on my face but I needed to hurt him.

I ran to back to the place where I was sitting because I'm just 14 and I'm not that strong. I think he was going after Vespera now. He lifted her up from the ground and started choking her from above. I could tell she was struggling to make him let go.

"Please just take the Gem." She says.

"No, now it's to late. Who knew girls could be this weak, it's pathetic." He replies

~ (I don't mean this it's just part of his character)

"Let her go please..." I say sobbing walking to them. "Don't hurt her..."

He scoffed and just threw her off. I feel like the whole world just... stopped. "Vespera!" I yelled. Before she hit the ground, I could see her grey eyes finally having colour. I quickly looked away because I didn't want to see my best friend... dying...

I continued to cry on the railing but I looked back and the demon was gone.


The gem...

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(Sorry for the short chapter. I also redid this chapter like 2 times soooo)

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