CH 4 - Memphis Gem

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I nod and we start walking to the maps guy. Well. At least that's where I think we are walking...
"Vespera let's go to the maps guy."

"Oh sure. I had no clue where we were gonna go anyway haha." She replies. Was she really just gonna walk and have no clue where we were gonna go!? Ha! Not on my watch.

As we walk up to the maps guy we ask "Hey! Down here! Can we get a map?" We said down here because he was flying and I think sleeping in mid-air... he dropped us a map and Newfell town was super close to us! That's good.

~ (reminder to follow)

Once we got to the bridge to lead us to Newfell town. It was NOT steady. Plus there was a big snake in the water.

Newfell didn't even look pretty. It was very foggy too.
"Vespera let me on you"


"To fly. Duh. What did you think"

"Oh uh ok"

As we fly over there it starts getting darker. Wow, I didn't know this place could be so depressing.
"Hello we are looking for the M-" Vespera says as I shush her "Vespera maybe we shouldn't straight up ask them. I mean cmon. Weslington or whatever his name was made it sound like it was bad." I whisper to her.

An armoured person walks out and I'm guessing he is some sort of 'ruler' to the town, probably with the gem too! And... he is human...

"One human, like me, and one Demon. Pathetic. What brings you here?" He says putting his sword in front of our faces. "Are you looking for this?" He brings out a big orange Gem from his necklace.

"That's pretty... can we just take it with us?" I say gazing at it.

"If you want it. Fight me for it. It only can be kept by a person who wins against battle."

"What? No, No, we just wanna borrow it."

"That's what the last person said. Now come on! Fight me!"

"If you say so..."

Sorry if this chapter was lame, but who is happy for the next chapter😵?

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