CH 8 - Dreams

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I continued to cry on the railing but I looked back and the demon was gone.
The gem...

I walk back to Weslingtons tree and he just popped up behind me. "Vespera di-" I cried, but he cut me off.

"Died, yeah I didn't actually leave... I'm sorry Lennon."


"Because I was-"

"No... why did you make a deal with that Bitch of a monster..?"

"Look, Lennon... you should go." He says as he opens the portal in front of us. I sob and walk-in.

"Lennon wake up! It's your birthday and you get your guardian today!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs.

What? How is it my birthday? Why am I in my bed? There are no tears on my face...

Was it a dream?

Was it all a god damn dream?

Maybe they are pranking me. I walk downstairs and nobody was there. Still, the happy birthday signs are up though. I walk outside and everyone yelled "surprise!" With a telescope. I just need to act happy and pretend nothing happened.

"Aww, thanks, guys!" I say I go over to my mom and I say "I love you so much mom, thank you, really." She smiled and then we all had cake.

~ a few hours later

Finally, I'm in my room. I start crying a little bit on my chair until I hear a rattle noise under my bed. "Vespera!?" I say with a tear slipping off my face.

An angel comes out and it wasn't her...

"I'm your guardian angel! I'm Devika." She says with her beautiful wings opened. "Hi!" I said wiping a tear off my face and a sniff at the end.

"I love this room! And your hair it's so clean. We will get along just fine." She says looking at my collectables.

She's Energetic,

She's An Angel,

It's not like Vespera.

"I want Vespera back," I say.

That's the end... or is it?
(Sorry for short chapter)

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