CH 5 - Battle? I Think Not

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"That's what the last person said. Now come on! Fight me!"

"If you say so..."
Also, the hammer in the pic is the hammer Lennon uses

"Vespera Hand me that big hammer over there" I ask. And she does as I say.

I start charging at him and he starts charging at me.
He pushes me back and I was about to throw my hammer at him but Vespera throws him away with her powers.

"Guys cmon. I'm a demon I have powers. Now hand over the gem before I actually kill you.."

Vespera brings him back with her powers and she levitates him. "Hey, you shouldn't use your powers for too long. You need lemons to heal" he says as he throws a knife out of his pocket, it sliced her cheek a bit and it started bleeding.

I run to her as she puts him down.
"Vespera! Are you ok?" I say panicky

"I'm ok Len, I can barely feel it. Now you, an armoured man who has the Memphis Gem. Give it."

He hands over the gem and then Vespera throws him with her powers. Again. We start walking to the bridge and I had to hop on her back again so she could fly us. Plus I think the bridge was holding on by a STRING.

We went back to Weslington's tree and Vespera tried 'knocking' or whatever she does. And no reply. Maybe he was already busy.

"Where is he?" I mumble to myself.

"Ugh, why does he have to be busy right now? We have the gem!" Vespera says as she facepalms.

"Woah Woah don't hold it out for everyone to see! Maybe some other people are looking for it as well."

"Your right" Vespera says as she hides it in her hands.

"Well, where is he?"

"Well, he never is too busy to meet with a demon. Cupid! CUPID!!!"

"What?" I ask totally confused. Who is Cupid? Another small hamster-like Weslington walks up to us. He holds up a sign that says 'hello I'm Cupid how can I help you?'

"Oh yeah, Cupid can't talk and he is Weslingtons assistant" Vespera tells me. Oh ok, that makes sense. Cupid holds up another sign that says 'Weslington isn't here. He disappeared when I walked inside'

"That's weird, did he get captured?"I ask both of them.

That's the end of this chapter.

(Sorry it's short)

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