CH 9 - Real Or Fake

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She's Energetic,

She's An Angel,

It's not like Vespera.

"I want Vespera back," I say.

"What?" She replies. "Why would you want her, how do you know her?"

"Take me to Weslington." I ask.

"Look I'm your Angel. I guard you. That's why it's called a Guardian angel!"

"I order you to take me there."

She opens the portal with the temperature beginning to get hot again. We walked in but it was different. There were more demons and everything looked more colourful, it was amazing.

"Wow," I say gazing at everything.

"Next order?" Devika says eye-rolling.

"I order you to take me to Weslingtons tree."

"It's not even his tree anymore." She mumbles. That's weird... but I ignore it. I hop on her fluffy wings and it's so cozy no offence Vespera...

We stop and we start walking- wait. I meant I start walking and she just flies. "Now knock," I say.

"What?" She replies.

"Ugh, I forgot you guys don't knock. Um just open the tree." I say.

She bowls and the tree opened up. We walked in and there was a new tree owner. A pretty angel.

"Go on, ask whatever your desperate for." She says I'm a bratty voice. Ugh, how rude.

"Is there a Vespera here? I want to speak with her." I say as the angel walks up to me. He hugs me. "I missed you." She says in Vespera Voice... wait... "Vespera!" I scream and I hug her back. I start crying and well I don't know if she is.

"Look at you! You're an angel! And so pretty too." I say with tears.

"I'm the god of this place now, also I can't be your guardian anymore Devika is, but you can visit."

"That's fine with me."

"And Well after I had that fall... I somehow woke up as an angel. I went back to the balcony but you were gone."

"I should have waited longer... sorry."

"I'm just so happy your ok."

We both hug and then we talk. I'm happy it wasn't a dream.

That's it. That's the end.

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