eleven. sweet dreams

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     "I'm sorry...what?" Iris stared ahead at Kayla, processing what she had just been told. Surely she heard wrong.

"Is that not okay?" Kayla's small smile fell into a frown as she pondered, "We could reschedule the sleepover, but if not then I'd need to go over to your place instead."

As Iris' face contorted into different expressions from fearful, to courageous, back to fearful by cringing in horror, then finally rested as a small smile, Kayla gulped as she waited for an answer. She felt nervous — And not the kind of nervous she felt when she asked out Adam — This was different. Iris was acting odd.

"Of course, Kayla, how can I say no.." Iris offered her a wide smile, twitching her nose. Something she did when she was unsure.

"Are you sure? We can—"

"No it's alright, really. Besides, maybe it's better this way." Iris nodded as an attempt to convince Kayla. Though it more looked like an attempt to convince herself. "And yes, I'm sure I'm sure."

Kayla sucked in a breath, then closed her mouth before she could ask those words. "Okay, if you're sure." She said, tilting her head to the side as she studied her best friend's mannerisms. When she saw no regret, she continued, "We'll drive there after school?"

Iris nodded, pulling out her work to distract her from the topic any longer. They continued their lunch from there, not bringing up the topic again.


     "Iris?" Oliver's voice spoke up from behind her, causing her to jolt and face him. She spun rather quickly, her head spinning and throbbing momentarily. Even her neck had a crick in it. She felt like she got whiplash.

"Oliver! Hi! Hey! What's up?" She stammered, stumbling over her feet for a second.

He tensed, taking a step back in case she fell forward. Oliver eyed her up and down at her strange behavior. "You're acting weird. What'd you do?" Oliver asked, crossing his arms over his chest making his leather jacket crease.

"Nothing, nothing. You just startled me." She cringed at her answer.

"I startled you? Yeah, okay." He shook his head, leaning against the locker one away from hers. "Just came to let you know I can't give you a ride home. Adam and I are hanging out, so maybe you can hang with Kayla.. or I'll pay for an Uber for you." He offered, slipping his phone out of his pocket.

Iris bit her lip, watching his fingers slide up the home screen of his phone. "No no! It's okay, don't pay for me. I'm..actually hanging out with Kayla." She lied, sporting a smile. Yeah, hanging out for the night.

"Oh wow, perfect. This works out great." He laughed excitedly, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "How are you getting home after? Bus?"

"Uh..I'll figure it out." She nodded with an awkward smile. Yeah, figure out how to tell you I won't need a ride cause we'll already be there.

"Oh okay, cool. Just let me know I guess? Anyways, I should get to the lot, that's where I'm meeting–"

"Me?" Adam's voice startled the two as he approached them.

Once again Iris spun on her heel and stumbled back when her head throbbed and the room spun a little too quickly. She only stood straight when a hand on her back aided her. The lack of iron in her system was getting to her.

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