eight. its like world war three

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     Iris groaned, feeling the sun stream through her window and land on her face. The heat felt nice but she knew it meant something else.

It was morning.

And that meant, school.

She groaned again, slowly sitting up and squinting her eyes due to the bright sun. She glared at her window and at her white curtains. Iris never had a problem with the sun before, maybe because her room used to be on the opposite side, but waking up to this on a school day was not for her.

Iris turned to her phone on her nightstand and canceled the alarm, realizing there was no need for that now either. She hated being a light sleeper.

After getting out of bed and stretching, Iris got ready for the day throwing on whatever she found comfortable, a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She would've stayed home, but she already missed one day locked in her room. And she felt bad for leaving Kayla; they hadn't seen each other in days and Iris really missed her comforting presence.

A small knock on her door got her attention. She went and unlocked it, peering out to see who it was.

"Oh, Sasha, good morning." She greeted with a small smile, one she'd have to fake for who knows how long.

"Good morning Iris, you're going to school today?" Sasha asked, taking in Iris' outfit.

"Oh, yeah I am. I just know my friend Kayla is probably worried and we haven't seen each other in days...and with what happened, I kinda wanna be with her for a little." Iris rubbed her arm awkwardly.

"Of course, I understand." Sasha nodded, "If you want her to stay over or something, please go ahead and ask. I want you to be happy and safe, and if having Kayla over for a night or two is what you need then I won't take that away from you." Sasha added with a small smile of her own.

Iris looked down in thought, "Um..I may just do that but I'd have to make sure with her first. I hope that wouldn't be a hassle, would it?"

"Oh no, not at all. I understand you wanna be with people you're completely comfortable with. Just know that I'll be here for you too if you need me." Sasha said.

"Thank you, Sasha. I appreciate this – all of this." Iris smiled lopsidedly, trying to force a real smile on her face because she really was grateful for Sasha and her family, but she wasn't ready to smile.

"Iris, there's no need to thank me, okay?" Sasha said, gently placing her hands on Iris' shoulders then catching sight of her watch on her wrist, her eyes widening, "Oh, I'm going to be late. Um, have a good day at school Iris! And you have my number, call me if you need anything!" Sasha exclaimed, hurrying down the stairs and calling Ruby's name.

Iris watched her go, calling a 'have a good day' back to her as well. She stepped back inside her room after hearing the front door close and two frantic voices rush out of the house.

She grabbed her packed book bag and her phone before making her way downstairs, closing her bedroom door behind her. Walking into the living room, she spotted Oliver on the couch, watching tv.

Iris cleared her throat, getting his attention. "Uh..I'm going to get going now. I'll see you at school?" She mumbled loud enough for the two to hear, spinning on her heel and heading towards the front door.

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