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'Telepahically talking'

Arceo's thoughts

The scars on our hands are caused by multiple things.

One of which is glass cuts, which most of Arjen's scars are made up of.

Even if I treated our minor injuries, the bigger ones were a pain to heal even if we use rely on our healing powers.

Arjen had to suffer through a high fever for several days after using his power.

Luckily, we can quickly heal small injuries now.

'Arien, Arceo, I'm okay.' Arjen assured his siblings, snapping Arceo out of their thoughts.

'Calm down Ari. Is it ok if I answer him?' Arceo asked.

Before the two can answer them, there was a loud clank that made the triplets flinch in surprise.

"Did Rurahel do that?" The emperor asked, impatient at the lack of response. His face contorts to one of anger as an intimidating aura that reflects his eye color surrounded his body.

"..." Arceo subtly took a breath in and out.

"Hm? Yes she did," Arceo suddenly spoke. They sounded so nonchalant that it strangely broke some of the tension.

"And my apologies for answering in brother Arjen's stead, your majesty." They apologized, feeling as it was a must.

"..." The emperor opened his mouth to say something but couldn't get the words out so he opted to wave his hand signaling that 'it was fine' and ... 'sorry'?

Sorry? For asking such an insensitive question or for fucking neglecting us in that hellhole?... Arceo instinctively narrowed their eyes a bit before opting to calm themselves down.

Arceo themselves knew that they should've been angrier but they also knew that calming their siblings down is the priority.

Arien is like a ticking time bomb right now. She might've burst out on him if I didn't answer. We need to be rational when dealing with the emperor.

'Let's calm down big sister. You don't have to finish your food, yeah? Do you want some milk?' Arceo softly said to Arien.

'Arcy...! Yea, that would be nice.' Arien answered, visibly more relaxed.

Arceo faced Arien and smiled at her, trying to reassure her that the three were going to be fine.

'Okay, just try to relax big sister. By the way, big brother! Do you want milk or juice? Since, you know, you spilled yours.' Arceo popped their head out behind Arien to look at Arjen.

Intentionally making their face cheerier to lessen the awkward tension around the room after the interaction with the emperor.

'Juice will be fine, Arcy.' Arjen answered with a smile.

'Aight!' Arceo jumped in their seat, facing the table. They grabbed their glass of juice and slid it over to Arjen.

They then looked at the nearest servant, signaling that they wanted something. The said servant stepped forward to them.

"Could you get me a glass of warm milk?" Arceo asked them.

The servant was hesitant about carrying out the order, so they turned their head to the emperor, asking for permission.

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