Chapter 10

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Maxon's POV:

As America gave me a tour of her childhood home, it struck me how I ever thought I would be able to live without her. Sure, Kriss was great and a piece of me will always love her, but with America, I couldn't put my love for her into words if I tried.

"And this is my room." she said with that mischievous grin.

She opened the door and showed me everything inside, a bed under the window, a dresser with little trinkets on top, her wardrobe and some of her dresses from the palace and a small jewelry box which she opened to reveal the blue bracelet I had brought back from New Asia for her. That was very touching.

"I thought this box was so pretty, my sister gave it to me for Christmas, and I didn't know what was worthy of being placed in here, but then I remembered the blue bracelet and... here it is." she said as she took it out and put it on her wrist.

"America, I... I can't believe you kept this." I said, helping her with the clasp.

"I was holding onto every little hope." she shrugged.

I was about to say something else but America's mother called out to us, telling us dinner was ready.

"Maxon, trust me on this one, it doesn't matter if you're the Crown Prince of Illéa, you are not late when Magda Singer has prepared dinner." America told me, leading me down the stairs.

I thought she was joking but she looked at me and I knew she was serious, this made me laugh even more.

"Mrs Singer, thank you for preparing dinner, it smells wonderful."

"I'm glad someone around here appreciates my cooking." Mrs Singer said, glaring at her children, teasingly.

I could see May giving America subtle signs of her approval, like giving her a thumbs up or a wink when she thought I wasn't looking.

We sat around the table and chatted like old friends, I had so much fun I forgot this wasn't even my family. It made me long a little for a childhood like this, to feel loved and to be heard. It didn't matter now though, America made me feel both of those things and more.

When dinner was finished, I was excused from cleaning up, which I was secretly very grateful for, as I can't say I would be very good at it.

America and I went up to her room and talked, we talked for hours about all the good times and the bad times we had had during my Selection.

"Remember when I caught you kissing Celeste?" she said, giggling.

"Oh boy, do I remember that." I said, shaking my head, laughing.

"Maxon, I was devastated. I lay on my bed, crying for hours over that. It physically pained me to think about it at the time. It seems so miniscule now." she said, staring out and laying her head on my shoulder.

"Oh I felt bad about it too, I had to shout at you to tell you that you weren't leaving the Selection yet." I say.

"Or when we danced on the roof in the rain! One of the greatest days of my life." she whispered.

"Mine too." I whispered back.

At around midnight, I crept downstairs to sleep on the couch. America had offered me her bed, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I took the bed and let her sleep on the couch?

I fell asleep almost immediately when I had settled comfortably onto the couch. The jetlag, travelling and all the emotions of the day had me exhausted. 


Author's Note:

Hi my lovelies! 

Here is Chapter 10, also, I have a question for you guys: Do you like the dual POV? I know that when I read The Selection series I was always hoping for some Maxon POV's but maybe that's just me? Let me know what you guys think. 

Also, I've noticed my stories aren't getting as many people reading as they used to. Is that because of my writing, do you guys think the quality has dropped? And, I believe if you guys: 

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Have a wonderful day and stay fabulous, my lovelies <3

- J

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