Chapter One-Accidental Meetings

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Chapter 1

True love. It's something that Janus has always tried to strive for. Though for whatever reason, Janus could never find someone to love him. It could've been the way that Janus didn't look like a 'normal' boy, he had long strawberry blonde hair, snakebite piercings, he always wore alternate and punk clothing, his heterochromia,  but it was most likely the fact that Janus had burn scars littered all over the left side of his body. Some of the scars were on his face like his cheek and around his one yellow-brown eye.

Janus sat in bed staring up at the ceiling. He knew that he'd have to get out of bed at some point, he did have a job after all. Thankfully Janus' job was a simple stay-at-home job, so he never really had to leave his home for work.

Though today Janus did have to leave his house for once, Janus was going to meet up with his younger sibling, Virgil. The problem was that Virgil's job was somewhat far in the city from Janus' home and Janus didn't have a car.

Eventually Janus had finally gotten enough energy to pull himself out of bed and get dressed. Janus had worn his classic yellow hoodie with baggy black jeans. Janus fixed himself up a bit by tying his curly hair into a low ponytail and brushing his teeth.

Once Janus looked at least presentable, he finally exited his house, walking down the sidewalk to visit his brother. While walking Janus had put his earbuds in his ears and pulled his hood up, he really didn't want people to see his burn scars, one of his biggest insecurities.

While walking, Janus turned a corner right around a building. Not paying attention to where he was looking, he ran straight into another person.

The impact had caused Janus to stumble a bit, almost losing his balance. Once Janus had regained his glance he looked over at the person he bumped into and saw the other person on the ground. Janus immediately panicked, and ran up to them.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry I didn't see you! Let me help you up!" Janus helped out his hand for the stranger, which the stranger did grab with their open hand. Janus had noticed that on the stranger's other hand was a leash, which had their dog attached to it. While pulling the stranger up, Janus had almost fallen onto them with how strong they were. Once Janus pulled the stranger up, Janus noticed this person was a few inches shorter than him. The stranger looked up at Janus and once they both made eye contact, Janus could've sworn his heart had stopped beating.

This stranger was absolutely stunning in Janus' eyes. They had a darker skin pigment but there were scars littering what Janus could see on their body and they looked well built. They had messy red-brown hair with a white strip at the top with beautiful green eyes. They had a handlebar mustache with a septum and eyebrow piercing and small gauge earrings. They were wearing an oversized shirt tucked into their black cargo pants. Janus was then interrupted from his thoughts when he heard the stranger talk.

"Thank you for helping me! Are you ok though?" The stranger asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." Janus mumbled, looking away all flustered.

The stranger smiled at Janus, "That's good! Anyways, are you going in that direction?" The stranger asked, pointing in the direction of the city's library.

"Yeah, actually." Janus continued, "I'm going to the city's library."

Suddenly Janus had felt himself being pulled slightly by the stranger. "Great! I'll gladly walk you to your location. You seem pretty cool." The stranger flashed Janus a smile.

Janus felt a ping in his heart. The person was just too perfect for Janus to handle. Not to mention how perfect their smile was on Janus' eyes.

"Anyways I'm Remus! And this is my dog, Apollo!" Remus gestured down to his dog. Janus had taken notice how it was a brown with white dots pit bull. "Don't worry, he's friendly!"

Janus laughed a bit at that, "Anyways, my name's Janus. Janus Black."

Janus and Remus had started their conversation even though it mainly consisted of Remus just rambling on about random stories or his intrusive thoughts, but Janus enjoyed listening to Remus talk. Though at one point remsu looked up at Janus, and had caught him red handed staring almost lovingly at Remus. Janus couldn't help it though he just couldn't help but feel drawn to Remus, he was so nice towards Janus. Normally people aren't nice to Janus and the only people that were nice to Janus... Well they ended up disappearing. Janus didn't want this for Remus, his new friend, and possibly crush already, but Janus knew that if Remus ended up hurting him the same way those people in the past did, he would possibly have to disappear.

After some time Janus had finally arrived at the city's library, sadly. Janus was currently standing outside of the library doors, saying his goodbyes to Remus.

"Here, lemme give you my number." Remus handed Janus his phone, letting Janus type in his number. Janus handed the phone back, but not without noticing how Remus had a fairly nice and expensive kind of phone. Which surprised Janus a bit, though Janus himself didn't have a lot of money, he did have enough to pay rent, bills, groceries, etc. Though Janus didn't live in the nicest apartment or have the best stuff.

Remsu had pulled Janus into a quick hug, " I'll text ya tonight! Hopefully I'll see you later!" Remus let go of the embrace and walked off, waving to Janus with one hand while the other still held the leash to his dog.

"Bye." Janus waved back, but surprisingly Remus is a fast walker and was gone fairly quick. So Janus had assumed Remus didn't hear him. But boy was Janus wrong, once Remus had turned the first corner to be out of sight. Remus pressed his back against the brick wall, holding his free hand up to his heart that was beating loudly and incredibly fast.

"Fuck, Janus what have you done to me?"

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