Chapter Four - Outing...Or a date?

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Chapter 4
Trigger Warning: Thoughts of kindapping, implyed murder

Janus had checked himself in the mirror once again, fixing his outfit for possibly the hundredth time.

'I can do this'

Remus had asked Janus if he had wanted to accompany him to a simplex book store and Janus just had agreed to go out with Remus. Even though they were just going to a simple book store, Janus was ecstatic.

Once again Janus had looked at himself in the mirror. He went for a casual look while wearing a white shirt with a yellow jacket on top and grey dress pants. Though it was a simple, casual fit, Janus still couldn't help but try to fix it.

Dudley Janus heard his phone go off. Startling Janus, he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket and fumbled trying to see the notification he had just got. And just like Janus assumed, it was Remus texting him.

I'm outside

I'll be out in a sec

Janus immediately fumbled around his rundown apartment, grabbing his wallet and keys, he finally exited his apartment room, shutting the door behind himself excitedly.


Remus smiled to himself as he drove. He was finally taking Janus out! He had been eating for several weeks to ask, just trying to get a better understanding of Janus. In the process Remus learned that Janus enjoys reading quite a bit, which is why he was taking Janus on this little outing. Remus himself didn't care much for books or reading but if Janus enjoyed it, Remus would buy him any book in a heartbeat. Plus Remus knew that books could be quite expensive, depending on how much you bought.

Though Remus wasn't worried about money too much, he had more than enough to provide for two people, and Remus just wanted to absolutely spoil Janus as much as possible.

Remus had turned the corner into Janus' apartment parking lot. Remsu had parked up close to the apartment's main entrance door, and pulled out his phone.

Remus quickly texted Janus, quickly receiving a response. He was so excited! To the point where he felt all fuzzy and was shaking a bit.

Remus looked at Janus' apartment complex and scowled a bit. He hated how rundown and old it looked, it probably wasn't even up to code either. Janus didn't deserve to live in something so possibly unsafe!

Remus thought for a moment. He could have Janus live with him, and oh, how much remsu would love that. just to have Janus under the same roof as him all the time, and knowing where he would be at any possible moment. That sounded like a dream come true for Remus. But Remus knew he couldn't do that, yet. He would have to just wait patiently for that, which he didn't like. Though Remsu could just kidnap Janus, he knew that wouldn't work. He's done that enough times to know it won't work out in the end and it'll just result in Janus disappearing, like other people in Remus' past.

Though Remus was interrupted from his gruesome thoughts when he saw Janus exit the building. Excited, Remus exited his car to greet Janus.


Janus exited his apartment complex, looking around for a moment to find Remus. Though once Janus had finally found Remus it was too late.

Remus had just practically pulled Janus into a tight hug. I'm the process Remus had managed to lift Janus off the ground. Janus knew it was obvious that Remus was strong, Janus had taken notice before of how much muscle Remus had. Janus was still taken by surprise though when he was lifted up a bit, since Janus was several inches taller than Remus.

Janus had them set down by Remus and remsu had pulled out of the hug. "It's so nice to see you! I missed you so much!" Remus smiled.

Janus felt his face get warm incredibly fast, "Yeah, I missed you too." Janus gave Remus his signature simple smile, also like a smirk. And Remus just wanted to melt from that smile.

Remus took a small step back from Janus and shoved his hands into his jean pockets, "Anyways, would you like to get going? I don't want to keep you waiting very long."

"Of course." Janus said, as Remus led the way to his car. Once to the car Remus held the car door open for Janus, which of course made Janus laugh a bit at Remus' attempt to be a flirt.

Once Janus was inside the quite nice looking car, which wasn't what Janus was expecting at all from Remus' car.

Remus had hopped into the driver's side of the car, then started it. Remus looked over at Janus, taking him in for a moment, "You look amazing, Jan."

Now Remus saying that caused Janus' entire face to heat up, "Thanks. You look nice too." Janus looked down at his lap. God he never acted like this, he was always so confident with what he did and said and Remus just came along and made him into an absolute mess.

"Anyways I think we should get on with our date, Jan?" Remus looked over and smirked. Janus swore he panicked a bit, in a good way though. A 'date?' Remus is taking Janus on a date? Right then I'm there. Janus just melted in his seat, he was so stunned, almost too stunned to respond to Remus, but he did.

Janus looked over at Remus, looking right into Remus' beautiful green eyes. Janus had netnoticed how Remus' eyes looked so green, "Yeah, I'm excited for this date."


Omg I feel like Remus definitely be more of your typical 'yandere' then Janus. Like Janus isn't really one who would get his hands too dirty. He prefers blackmailing people instead. But Remus on the other hand, he would kill anyone in a heartbeat for Janus and Logan.

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