Chapter Eleven - Breaking in

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Chapter 11

Trigger Warning: Breaking and entering, stalking

Remus beamed, looking down onto the table in front of him. Located on the table was the key he so happened to get from earlier when he was visiting Janus. Though Remus wasn't beaming about the fact that he had managed to successfully steal something so important for Janus without him noticing. Remus was beaming about the duplicate key placed right next to the original key. It had taken several hours, with it now being completely dark outside, with the only natural light source coming from the moonlight. Remus had successfully duplicated Janus' apartment key, even with taking so long to make, it was for sure worth it.

Now all Remus had to do was make sure the key properly worked. The only possible way Remus knew how to test to see if this key were to properly work, was to enter into Janus' apartment.

Remus opened his closet doors, scanning through his closet briefly for what to exactly wear. It was obvious that Remus would wear clothing that was of darker colors, so he'd probably just stick with black clothing. Remus pulled out a simple, slightly oversized hoodie, along with some sweatpants, both happening to be black. Remus looked around his room for more articles of clothing he could wear, finding a black beanie, a black disposable face mask, and lastly a pair of black gloves.

Once Remus had finished getting dressed into his very dark attire, he looked at himself in his full body mirror. Remus had admired himself at his reflection in the mirror, almost laughing at himself a bit because Remus just couldn't help but find it the littlest bit funny with how his outfit had made him look a bit like a stalker or a home invader even. Remus would admit that he was at least the slightest bit proud of himself for being capable of making himself look such a  certain way.

Before Remus officially left, he grabbed both Janus' original apartment key and the duplicate version of the key, and slipped them into the pockets of his sweats, with each one of them being in a different pant pocket. Standing in the doorway, Remus slipped on his shoes, mainly the spare ones he kept for situations like these. Once Remus had his shoes now properly on and everything he had needed, he opened his front door and exited his home, now going to Janus.

Remus parked his car right outside Janus' apartment parking lot. Remus wasn't exactly sure if Janus' apartment could have potential cameras and Remus wasn't willing for the apartment to find Remus through his license plate. Thankfully Remus had managed to avoid security cameras by getting his license plate, so he was safe for now. Before Remus had gotten out of the car, he slipped his face mask above his nose, to prevent people from being able to recognize who he is, plus Remus couldn't possibly imagine what could happen if Janus had seen him breaking Janus' home. So for now he would disguise himself to prevent getting himself into any form of trouble with the police.

As Remus walked down the hallway on the floor Janus' apartment room was located on, he noticed the severely nervously lacking amount of cameras just in the apartment altogether. But for now, Remus wouldn't be complaining about the lack of security cameras in the apartment.

Remus had finally made it to Janus' apartment door. Remus contemplated for a moment. What if Janus was awake? Even with Remus having himself covered, it would still be pretty bad. After all, Remus had been itching just to get a peek to see more of Janus' home since he's only seen the living room and kitchen. Though Remus has taken notice of the small hallway with several doors. And Remus desperately wanted to know what was inside now.

Remus had decided he was going to see what was inside Janus' apartment. Remus grabbed the duplicate key out of his pants pocket and put it into the keyhole, thankfully the key had a fit. Though Remus hesitated a bit, he could feel his palms begin to sweat and slightly shake underneath the gloves. Remus has never felt this way in the past with entering others' homes. Why was it different now? Possibly because knew that once he turned this key and pushed open the door, he wasn't going to be able to take these actions back, but it just felt different for Remus still.

After Remus had just stood there for a moment, he finally decided to twist the key, but in doing so he did it incredibly slowly and cautiously. Eventually, after slowly turning the key it had finally fully turned, making a small "click" letting Remus know that this door was now in fact unlocked. Remus gulped, feeling some sweat gather on the beanie on his forehead. Slowly Remus pushed the door open, cringing every time the door would creak in any way.

Once the door had been pushed open enough, Remus grabbed the duplicate key out of the keyhole and slipped into the apartment room, cautiously shutting the door behind himself. Once Inside Remus took notice of how dark it was since it was past midnight by now. Remus pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight, shining it around the room.

After Remus looked around Janus' apartment, trying to memorize everything, he decided that his priority was to at least give Janus his original key back. Remus cautiously stepped and stumbled a bit in the process, wincing every time the floor creaked. After several minutes of slowly walking over to the kitchen, which thankfully wasn't too far with Janus' apartment being so small. Remus set down the key on the kitchen counter, and now his objective was to look around this apartment a bit more.

Remus put his hand on the doorknob located on the door in the hallway, slowly twisting the doorknob. Remus got annoyed with the small creaking of the door. After the door had been pushed open enough, Remus slipped in. This time Remus was keeping this door open in case of an incident happening. Remus Shined his flashlight on his phone around the room. Immediately Remus froze the moment he saw and heard shuffling happening. Oh god, Remus realized that he had entered Janus' bedroom. And Janus' sleeping figure was only a few feet away from Remus. Remus panicked and shut off this flashlight and went completely silent. Remus let a silent happy sigh when he heard the shuffling stop, knowing that Janus' body relaxed again.

Remus turned his phone flashlight on again, but being cautious of Janus' sleeping body. Granted Remus approached Janus and slowly sat down and settled his weight on the edge of Janus' bed, avoiding having Janus almost wake up.

Even without having the flashlight shining at Janus, he could still perfectly see Janus and all of his wonderful features. Remus felt as if his body was moving on its own but Remus slowly ran his fingers through Janus' hair, almost crying tears of joy when he noticed how Janus' sleeping form leaned into Remus' fingers. After spending several minutes of Remus calmly combing his fingers through Janus' hair, he knew he'd have to leave eventually. Remus let out a small sigh. Before Remus sat up, he pushed some of Janus' hair out of his forehead and leaned down while pulling his face mask down, giving Janus a small peck on his forehead. He leaned back up, pulled his face mask above his nose where it had been earlier.

Remus slowly sat up. As Remus stumbled on his way to the door, he noticed an article of clothing laying on Janus' floor, it was a sweater. Remus smirked a bit while grabbing it, he decided that he wanted to bring a little souvenir home with him, and this sweater that belonged to Janus would do. Remus smiled proudly as he excited Janus' room, shutting the bedroom door behind himself as he exited the bedroom, Janus' sweater being in his other hand.

Janus finally opened his eyes and sat up after hearing the door shut. He was confused as to why Remus was in his home and granted, a bit scared. Janus was even more shocked by Remus unexpectedly kissing his forehead, Janus was almost certain that he would've been killed or kidnapped. Janus lightly brushed his fingers against his forehead, "What is wrong with Remus?" Janus whispered to himself, somewhat still in shock with what Remus had done.

Please let me know if I forgot any triggers and if I have any spelling mistakes!

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