Chapter Nine - New Crush Causing a Change of Plans

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Chapter 9
Trigger Warning: Minor self-deprecation, stalking, being obsessed/possessive with someone


Upon hearing this name being called, Logan whipped his head around, looking for who exactly called out his name.

Logan immediately noticed another person straight in front of him now, making eye contact with Logan. Based on how this person was looking at Logan, he had to assume this was who called out his name.

Logan was slightly confused as to why this stranger called out his name. Or how they even knew his name. Until Logan noticed more of these strangers' features, like the dyed grey streak in their hair, with their messy hair tied up into a ponytail, the facial hair, several piercings on their face, how they are a bit shorter than Logan but much more muscular than him.

It had taken a moment for him to process who it exactly was, but after staring and taking in who this person exactly was for a small amount of time. Logan knew exactly who this person was now, "Remus?" Logan called out in almost a whisper.

Remus beamed for a moment, "Yeah! With the way you were looking at me just now, I was worried you didn't know who I was!" Remus had suddenly set down his drinks on a small table in the shop, "Anyways how have you been? Anything interesting happening lately?"

Logan had sat himself down onto a seat located right across from Remus. Logan thought about it for a moment, nothing really interesting happened in his life, "Not necessarily. I don't typically do much anyways. I prefer to live a simple and calming life." Logan took a sip of the black coffee that he had almost forgotten was sitting in his hands.

"Hm, that's kind of boring." Remus bluntly said, while sitting down in one of the seats.

Logan slightly deflated from Remus' comment. Granted he was used to people saying stuff like that since his personal life wasn't very interesting. Though Remus took notice of Logan's negative expression and his body language.

"I mean it's ok if you want to live like that! There's nothing wrong with it!" Remus panicked, trying to not get Logan upset with him. God Remus found this upsetting, he just always happened to embarrass himself in front of the people that he happens to find attractive.

Logan laughed a bit at Remus' small freak out, he found it quite amusing, "It's alright Remus. I'm normally used to people commenting negatively on me for how I choose to live." Logan said as he slightly shrugged his shoulders, taking yet another sip of his coffee.

Logan took notice of how Remus suddenly changed his body position, with his chest now puffed up as if he was angry or upset, "But people shouldn't say that!" Remus sounded like he was almost whining at this point. Remus strangely and suddenly digs into his Jean pocket, pulling out his phone. Assuming he had gotten a text or some important notification, He didn't mind. Until he saw Remus' phone screen right in front of my face, "Here, give me your number! Maybe we can hang out again soon!" Logan took. The phone was out of Remus' hands, muttering out a small "ok" as he typed his phone number into Remus' phone.

Just as Remus had received his phone back from Logan, his hands just happened to gently brush against Logan's hand. And oh goodness Remus could just feel his face already heating up just from a simple touch.

Once Remus had taken his phone back, he remembered about the drinks that he had just sitting on the table. That's when the realization had finally hit Remus. Immediately without thinking, Remus stood straight up, pushing his chair back almost causing it to tumble over.

Remus was upset with the fact that he always got so easily distracted and sidetracked. God! He hated his brain sometimes and how it functioned with his stupid intrusive thoughts only making it worse.

Right after Remus had unexpectedly stood up, he noticed the surprised and confused look Logan had written across his face, "Ah crap!" Remus panicked for a moment, "I gotta go! I just remembered that I was supposed to meet up with my friend! I really gotta go!"

"Oh, that's fine." Logan felt himself feeling a bit upset with what Remus said. Logan had just assumed that Remus didn't want to be around him anymore, using the excuse that he had to "visit a friend." Though Logan had tried to simply let go of this, he was used to many people being bored of him. Logan took another sip out of his drink.

Remus picked the drinks, "I'll text you tonight! See ya, Lo!" Remus waved off. Though Logan choked on his coffee for a moment, immediately he started coughing up the coffee he accidentally inhaled. In all honesty, Logan was fairly surprised by Remus saying that he would text him. Granted if it was just Remus trying to be nice or not, Logan had felt his hopes go up, he was now a little excited hoping Remus would actually stick to what he said before leaving.


Remus sat himself down on the driver's side of his car, placing the drinks in the cup holders that were attached to his car. Briefly, Remus looked into the backseat of his car, noticing Apollo had peacefully fallen asleep.

Once Remus got comfortable in his car, he pulled out his phone and opened Logan's contact. Remus felt a sudden and massive joy override him, causing him to happy stim, shaking both of his hands out of excitement. Remus couldn't possibly be more joyed as ever at the moment. He didn't think that he would've ever seen Logan again, but he was oh so wrong. In fact, seeing Logan made Remus realize that he had kept the same romantic feelings from when he first ever saw Logan. Hell, Remus is sure that the feelings only ever got stronger just from simply talking to Logan.

Though now Remus was going to be going through a real challenge now. He had an entirely new crush to worry about. It had taken some time just for Remus to exactly figure out where Janus had even lived. Now he had to figure out so much more stuff about Logan. Plus Remus had to figure out a way to get both Janus and Logan into the palm of his hand.

Granted, Janus had already fallen right into Remus' hands, not that Remus had known about Janus actually liking him back. Nor did Remus know about how Janus suffered from the same over-possessive and protectiveness that Remus just happened to suffer with. That's how Janus knew just about everything about Remus. Typically Janus wasn't one to go out and stalk someone, he preferred to do his stalking through the internet. Janus had simply found Remus' login information and hacked into his account, now being capable of finding out just about anything Remus had shared on his social media, which Remus seems to share much more than necessary about his personal life.

Remus knew he'd for sure have to change his plan now, with Logan coming into the picture, his plan would only take more time and patience. Now Remus would have to keep an eye on both Janus and Logan, he wouldn't be able to keep his eye on Janus as much anymore now. Though Remus knows now, he has to come up with a new plan on how to get Janus and now Logan to be his. Which Remus was going to make sure would happen.

One little flaw coming with Remus' plan was that he had no idea what Janus would possibly have planned in the future. Janus was going to commit something that not even Remus would normally resort to. Janus was just waiting for his moment, the moment was coming much sooner than Remus would ever know.


Oooh, I have something that I originally wasn't even going to have Janus do at all in this story, but guess I just had a change of plans.

Please tell me if there are any trigger warnings I forgot and any spelling mistakes in any of my chapters!!

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