Chapter Seven - Overthinking and Car Rides

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Chapter 7
Trigger Warning: Drugging, Mentions of past murder/killing, major anxiety/overthinking, stalker behavior

Janus took yet another sip out of his caramel malt while listening to Remus rant about whatever at this point. Though Janus took notice of how Remus shuffled in his seat a bit, also noticing how it looked as if almost Remus was grabbing something out of his pocket. Janus had found it suspicious.

Janus was suddenly interrupted from his thoughts, with Remus suddenly standing up, "I'm going to go use the bathroom quick, I'll be back as soon as possible." Remus smiled. Janus looked down at Remus' hand, it was currently in a fist Remus was holding something in Janus' hand, something Remus didn't want Janus to see.

Janus didn't like where this was going, something was happening with Remus. Though it was too late, Remus had already walked away. Janus didn't believe Remus could be going to the bathroom, there had to be more. Though Janus didn't just want to turn his head around and watch Remus, that would be flat-out weird. So instead, Janus pulled his phone out of his pockets and opened the camera on his phone. Through Janus' camera on his phone he watched Remus walk away. In the process, he watched something he deeply regretted.

Janus watched Remus take whatever he had in his hand, pour it into someone else's drinks. Janus was in shock. What was Remus doing? Was he drugging someone? Why would Remus do that? Did Janus fall in love with a murderer?

Janus had so many questions, he didn't understand Remus' intentions. But his thoughts were interrupted when Remus came back, briefly shocking Janus.

Remus smiled, "Hello Jan! I'm back!" Remus sat down in the seat across from Janus. Janus had attempted to at least make it look like he hadn't just witnessed practically drugging some stranger's drinks.

Janus didn't exactly understand why he was so shocked and almost distressed from Remus drugging strangers' drinks. Janus himself has done much worse than just simply drugging someone. But Janus couldn't help but wonder if Remus, the man sitting in front of him, has done something worse than even Janus himself. Janus was never one to get his hands dirty himself, he didn't necessarily enjoy the mess of killing someone, it was too much to remove the body for Janus. But Janus knew that Remus didn't mind the mess. Janus thought for a moment, Remus could kill someone, hell Remus seems like the kind of person who would kill.

'Oh god'

Janus thought. Did he fall in love with a potential murderer? Now that was new to Janus. He never once in his life fell in love with someone who was a bit crazy like Remus, but the fact that Janus fell in love with a possible murderer? Janus knew this was going to be a bit more of a challenge to get Remus to at least fall in love with him. Though Janus didn't mind this as much, he could handle a fun little challenge.


Remus and Janus had finally found themselves in Remus' car, with Remus driving Janus home. The car ride was a fairly quiet ride, except for the few comments Remus would make here and there. Though Janus was normally one who enjoyed the quiet, for now, Janus hated it. The

quietness only made his thoughts loud and more active. And now, Janus could only think about the man who was driving the car that he happened to be in. Janus had just let his mind run with so many questions. Like why did Remus do it? Is Remus a serial killer? Murderer? Could Remus be killing people because he loves Janus? Janus almost laughed out loud at the last thought. THere's no way Remus would be killing people for that reason.

After some time of Remus driving, he had finally turned into the parking lot of Janus' oh-so-familiar rundown apartment. Janus knew his apartment wasn't exactly the best place to live in or the safest place to live in either.

Remus grimaced when seeing Janus' apartment. Remus didn't exactly enjoy the fact that Janus had lived in this apartment. Remus had already found out about Janus' financial situation and he knew that Janus couldn't exactly afford a super nice apartment, but he just wishes that Janus could at least afford something a bit decent or actually up to code. Well, Remus would prefer it way more if Janus would have just moved into Remus' Home with him. That would be just the perfect dream for Remus, but he knew he couldn't do that, not yet at least. Remus just had to play his cards just right. He just had to wait for the perfect moment.

Janus opened the car door on his side before Remus had managed to. Remus deflated slightly, almost whimpering. Though Remus quickly recovered and opened his car door. "Let me walk you to your apartment room." Remus had almost begged out.

Janus looked up at Remus, after shutting the car door. Janus was a bit taken aback by the question. Janus had just mostly assumed that Remus would have driven off after dropping Janus off at his apartment. But Janus had only managed to nod at Remus' question.

Remus beamed, "Great!" Remus proceeded to open the back car door, "Plus you're probably going to need some help with these books." Remus said as he pulled out the bags containing the books Janus had picked out earlier.

Janus had forgotten that he even got books. Though he was surprised that Remus remembered about them and that Remus was willing to carry the books for him. Especially since there was quite a bit of book in the bags, meaning that they were a bit heavy.

As they walked side by side Janus had felt kind of bad making Remus hold the heavy bags, but when he did try to offer to carry at least a single bag, Remus would always decline the offer.

Remus would try to reassure Janus that it was alright and that he's held and carried much heavier. But still, Janus couldn't help but still feel a bit upset.

Once finally at Janus' apartment, Janus had finally managed to hold the door open for Remus for once. Once Remus had set down the bags on Janus' countertop.

Remus had looked around at Janus' apartment. Remus grimaces slightly at the fact that it did look rundown on the inside as well. Though the apartment did still have a nice look to it like it has its special charm to it.

Granted Remus had mainly wanted to come up and see exactly which room was Janus', just in case for any future purposes. Though Janus' room did need a key to be unlocked like any apartment would have. Thankfully though Remus knew how to pick locks exactly.

Remus turned and looked over at Janus, "So, I should probably go now." Remus stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets while walking towards the door.

"Yeah, but we should hang out again soon," Janus mumbled agreed.

Remus smiled slightly, "Cool. I'll text you when I get back to my place." Remus said as he began walking out the door. "Hope to see you soon, darling," Remus smirked at Janus, walking out while shutting the door himself.

Though before Remus fully shut the door, he caught a quick glimpse of Janus, and the way that his face was just absolutely burning red. That only made Remus smirk more. Though Remus was beyond delighted, now he knew how to get into Janus' apartment complex, which room was exactly perfect.

Now Remus just had to stick to his plan and everything would work out just fine.


Please correct me in any way if there is any spelling mistakes in any chapter!

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