Chapter Five - Bookstore Date

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Chapter 5

Once Remus and Janus had finally arrived, Remus had held the store door open for Janus. Janus looked over at Remus, noticing the self satisfied smirk on his face, causing Janus' face to heat up, only making the smugness of Remus' face bigger.

Once inside Janus took notice of the lack of bright light, it felt calming and safe for him. Janus took in his surroundings, noticing how big the store really was. Janus stood there for a moment trying to take in everything happening around him. Janus himself never really bought much personal supplies, unless it was a bare necessity. He never really had made enough money to buy so much, even though Janus does enjoy reading, books were quite expensive.

Though Janus was interrupted from his thoughts when he felt Remus tug his arm forward a bit. Janus noticed Remus was holding his hand. When did that happen? "C'mon let's look around. I didn't bring us on this date just for you to stand there." Remus smirked.

Janus blushed at the fact of Remus practically calling him out. Though he allowed Remus to basically drag him around.

While looking around the fairly big store, Janus did stop to look at the individual books on the shelves. In the process Janus did grab a few books, limiting himself from how many books he grabbed, since they are expensive after all. Once Janus looked over at Remus though, he was surprised by how many books Remus was holding; there were at least five books in Remus' hands. Remus noticed the surprised expression on Janus' face and laughed a bit. "Anyways what books are ya looking at?"

Janus fumbled a moment with his books, showing Remus one of the book covers, "Just some True Crime Books." Janus smiled.

"Oh, I love True Crime Stories! Lemme see what you got!" Remus said excitedly, setting the books he was holding down on the floor. Remus casually took one of the few books Janus was holding out of his hands and looked at the cover of the book for a second. "These are some pretty good books. Have you read any of these before?" Remus asked, handing the book he was holding back to Janus.

Janus grabbed the book out of Remus' hand, "No actually. I've been wanting to get more books for some time." Janus mumbled, "Though I didn't know you were into reading. You've never seen the type of person to be interested in reading."

Remus laughed, " I mean you're not entirely wrong. I'm personally not the biggest fan of reading but there are a few books I've enjoyed reading." Remus picked up the books he had set down on the floor previously, "Actually I have a few book suggestions that you should check out!" Remus smiled.

During Janus and Remus' date, Remus had introduced Janus to quite a few books and by the time that Remus and Janus were ready to check out, Janus was holding a lot more books than he had planned to ever get. In the process of checking out all of the books that both Remus and Janus had picked out, Janus had offered to pay for the books he was getting, especially with how expensive it was altogether. As Janus reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet, Remus took this chance of Janus being distracted, Remus swiped his card and grabbed the bags containing their books. Once Janus had looked back up after retrieving his wallet, he immediately noticed the self satisfied smirk Remus had on his face. It had taken a moment for Janus to realize what Remus was smirking about, but once Janus realized that Remus had paid for everything when he wasn't looking.

Janus pouted as he held the door for Remus, since his hands were full with the bags he was carrying, "You didn't have to pay for all of that. I have money." Janus crossed his arms after he let go of the door, walking beside Remus.

"I know, Jan. But I didn't mind paying." Remus smirked. He really didn't mind paying for anything when it came to Janus. Plus he had so much more money to spare and he would very much spare his money on Janus in a heartbeat. Remus had opened his right, back car door and set the bags in the back seats, then he opened the front car door for the passenger side, for Janus.

Janus smiled and rolled his eyes slightly as Remus opened the car door for him. "Well, aren't you just trying to be all romantic?" Janus joked as he sat down in the passenger seat of Remus' car. 

Remus laughed a bit at what Janus said and closed the car door, walking over to his side of the car. Once inside his car he looked over at Janus, "Ya know, before this wonderful date ends.." Remus trailed off, noticing the faint blush on Janus' cheeks when he referred to this as a 'date', "There's actually this ice cream shop not too far from here and I was wondering if you wanted to go." Remus mumbled loud enough for Janus to hear, but he refused to meet Janus in the eyes.

Janus smiled at Remus' flustered face, "Sure I'd like that."

That caused Remus' face to light up and a massive smile spread across his face and he immediately began to start the car. Remus was super excited, he never wanted this to end, he just wanted to be with Janus already! But Remus knew he had to be patient, he knew that he'd get Janus in the end. Even if that meant he'd have to do it by force.

Remus looked over at Janus and smiled, he wasn't going to let Janus slip out of his grasp. Remus was going to be with Janus forever. No matter what.


Please point out if there's any spelling mistakes in any of my chapters! Hope you all enjoy, have a wonderful day!

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