Chapter Two-Another One

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Chapter 2

Janus had just entered the city's public library, the place where Virgil just happens to work. Janus looked around, spotting Virgil standing quite away from anyone, on their phone. Janus had walked up to Virgil, "Hey wanna-be emo."

Virgil looked up at Janus, glaring at him, "Hey, snake."

Janus let out a fake gasp, pretending to be offended by the name Virgil called him, "How rude, that's not how you treat a sibling."

Virgil scoffed slightly at that, "oh shut up." Virgil stuffed their phone into their pocket, "Anyways, I just clocked out for the day. You wanna go now?"

"Of course, this place is kind of boring anyways." Janus had walked towards the exit, holding the door open for Virgil.


Remus had watched from a distance Janus exit the library with another person, which made Remus feel absolutely furious. Remus didn't actually go back to his home, yet. Remus just felt absolutely drawn towards Janus and he couldn't help but see what Janus was exactly doing.

Remus knew that he shouldn't be falling for someone again. Remus had fallen in love with others before, but they never exactly worked out. But for Remus, Janus felt so much more different, like it was meant to be.

Suddenly Remus saw Janus get into a car with the other person and they drove off. Remus let out a deep sigh. There's no way Remus would be able to keep up with them, plus he still had his dog with him. Remus had just decided it was best to go home and wait to text Janus like he had previously said.

Once Remus arrived back at his home, he looked around. Remus had an average sized house for living in the city, though Remus hated living there alone. He just wishes he could find someone who'd be willing to actually love him.

Remus was interrupted by his dog suddenly barking at him along with Apollo jumping up onto Remus, putting his front paws on Remus' thighs. Remus leaned down a bit and scratched behind Somnus' ears, "You must be hungry."

Remus had walked into his kitchen pulling out some dog food. While dumping out the dog food into Apollo's food dish, Remus noticed how empty the bag of dog food was becoming. "I'll have to buy more." Remus mumbled to himself. Though Remus noticed that he was running fairly low on a lot of food, with his cupboards being bare. "Might as well go grocery shopping now."

It was a simple local shop that was fairly close to Remus' home. Especially since Remus wasn't exactly that fond of going too far from his home. Though Janus was an exemption for Remus.

Once Remus entered the shop, he grabbed the common groceries, wandering down almost every aisle. Though in one of the aisles, Remus was trying to grab something that was located on a higher shelf and Remus being a bit shorter than average, he was struggling a bit to grab it. Remus was about to just give up, but that's when Remus suddenly heard a voice.

"Here, let me get this for you." Remus had watched as a hand had grabbed off the object he needed easily off the shelf and held it right in front of Remus. Remus looked over at the stranger and was absolutely surprised to see an absolutely stunning person right in front of him.

Remus took the object of the stranger's hand, still in awe over this person. "Oh, thank you so much..." Remus stopped hoping they would share their name.

"It's Logan." They said, And Remus could just feel himself melt. Logan had the most hypnotic voice that just made Remus want to fall into their arms.

"I'm Remus!" Remus held his hand out for Logan, trying to be polite. Though once Logan had actually grabbed Remus' hand, Remus just felt the electricity run through his body.

Though Remus realized what this meant, he had fallen hard for Logan already and he fell hard. Remus falling for two people?! He already fell for Janus already, now he's fallen for someone else?! Remus knew this was bad news.

"Anyways, thank you so much for helping me!" Remus smiled at Logan.

"It was really not a big deal. I just wanted to help you." Logan said, adjusting his glasses. Remus had put the object Logan had gotten off the shelf into his cart.

Though Remus had managed to start a conversation with Logan. Even though Remus was done with his shopping, he was willing to stay with Logan. Remus noticed that Logan was very formal and composed, Logan had tried to stay as neutral as possible, but there were some moments where his lips would twitch upward. Every time Logan let out that small smile, it made Remus feel oh so fuzzy and warm inside, Remus wasn't the most familiar with this feeling but he did know what it meant. Remus had felt the same fuzziness being around Janus.

"Ya know, Logan. You're actually pretty cool to talk with. Even though you look so formal, you're really calming. I like it" Remus let out a small chuckle, looking at Logan's outfit. Logan's outfit consisted of a light blue turtleneck with a navy blue, long sleeved vest with a vintage moon on both upper arms, along with dark brown dress pants.

"Well I wouldn't normally consider myself to be 'cool' or 'calming.' Though I do try to make myself at least look professional." Remus let out a small laugh from that, it was true that Logan did look professional, "Normally it is better to meet a person first before you could simply judge them based on appearance. But Remus you do seem like someone who is quite interesting and 'cool' as you describe it."

Remus was slightly surprised by Logan complimenting him. By calling him interesting and cool?! Remus had just felt like his body was melting into a puddle with the complements. One problem was though, what would happen if Remus' emotions got the best of him? What if he confesses to Logan and Logan rejects him? What if Remus' past relationships end up being the same with Logans? With Logan disappearing without a single trace. Remus didn't want that to happen.

"Well anyways, I must go. It was nice talking to you, Remus. Have a nice day." Logan said, walking to the checkout area.

"Bye Logan." Remus said, giving Logan a wave even though Logan wouldn't be able to see with his back turned.

Remus couldn't believe it though. He had practically fallen for Logan already. Remus didn't even know anything about Logan! How could he even have fallen for him?! Though Remus realised, he had fallen for two people. which was never really the smartest idea, but he fell in love with two people?! Last time that happened, Remus went through one of his worst heartbreaks and episodes ever. Which was an absolute mess and disaster. Remus couldn't allow that to happen again though, he would make Janus and Logan fall in love with him. No matter what.

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