17 - Only A Moment In Time

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A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who had bee reading never in a million years did I think that this story would reach 1k readers!!💖This is going to be a long chapter for absolutely no reason. I was pretty sleep derived when I wrote it, so it will most likely be pretty bad. I apologize in advance.

Everyone is looking for Cicada's identity. So far they know that he is Grace Gibbons father. Barry already went down to The hospital and found out that both of her parents are deceased. When Barry came back they checked the security cameras at the hospital. Only one man came to visit her. Orlin Dwyer.

They hired a multiversal detective who goes by the name of Sherlock Wells since Harry went back to Earth-2 to spend some time with Jessie. He has been helping team Flash spy on Cicada for weeks. "Orlin Dwyer also known as Cicada. He grew up in the midwest, in and out of juvie, popped up in Central City a few years ago, Part-time employee of Shrek's chemicals for the last two years, he mostly keeps to himself, gave a fake address, took custody of his niece. Grace Gibbons. Her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human."

"That's why he hates metas" Dawn says

"Powers that he accumulated at the night of the enlightenment and he, as we all know, was struck by the Star Labs satellite. What we did not know that it was the same night that Grace was put into a coma. Dwyer now visits her every night and every day." Sherlock says

"Is here there now?" Barry asks and he nods "Lets go get him"

"Lets go get him?" Sherlock questions "How are we going to do that. As always I respect your spirit Monsieur Allen but as long as he has the dagger you remain powerless."

"Then let's destroy the dagger" Barry said

"We can't do that unless we have some power dampener dagger power dampener tech" Caitlin says

"We don't but if we did I would come up with a better name than that" Cisco said

"Like Dagger dampener" Barry says and Cisco points to one of his best friends in agreement. They the all of them except Dawn start arguing about what they would calling it coming up with different abbreviations. Dawn was too lost in her thoughts to contribute in the conversation. She then had an Idea and started talking to herself a bit.

"Guys" Nora said "I think we can make on"

"Make what?" Barry asked

"What if we can make something more powerful than his weapon" She suggested "We need something more powerful than his connection to the dagger"

"Like a sort of super charged magnet" Iris asked and Nora nodded

"I don't know is we have something strong enough for that" Cisco said

"And even if we could get the dagger we would have to take the dark matter out so we could strip it of its powers" Caitlin said

"Your suggesting we find a indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties but allos has the ability to negate dark matter" Sherlock says "Where are we going to find such a thing?"

Dawn looks at all the people in the room and then says "The past. You've already come across everything we need. A strong alloy with magnetic properties"

"Savitar's suit" Cisco said

"Something to remove Dark Matter" Dawn said

"The speedforce transmitter" Caitlin said with a smile

"But that was speed force particles" Iris says

"But they are exotic particles, it is the same thing as dark energy" Dawn said understanding what Nora was saying

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