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After everything went down the team had to deal with crisis. Thanks to Oliver, Barry made it out alive. The team is doing great and hasn't been stronger. Caitlin and Barry got married and had 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy. Dawn Snow-Allen, Ellie Snow-Allen and Henry Thomas Snow-Allen. Today was Dawn's birthday and everyone was getting together at the Snow-Allen house.

Nora and Iris were the first to come "Happy Birthday!" They both shouted when Dawn answered the door. She was turning 20 and she didn't want that big of a party.

"Thank you" She said and hugged them both

"This is for you" Iris said giving her a gift

"This is very nicely wrapped" She complemented "Come in" Iris and Nora came into the house and saw it heavily decorated.

"Hey Iris, hey Nora" Caitlin said

"Hey Aunt Iris" The twins said it always freaked Iris out when they did that.

"Hey" Barry said and gave them both kissed on their foreheads. "Come sit" everyone got to talking as they waited for everyone else.

The door bell rang again and this time it was Joe and Cecil "Hey guys come in" Caitlin welcomed with her warm motherly smile.

"Wow smells great in here Caitlin" Cecil said

"Thanks" Caitlin said "come, wre talking on the living room" Once they wre all settled in Caitlin went to the kitchen to continue the food preparation and Iris and Cecil joined her.

"Thanks for the help Iris and Cecil" Caitlin said

"Any time hon" Cecil said

"Yeah of course plus, us girls don't get much time to talk" Iris said

"So iris anything going on romantically?" Cecil asked and then took a sip out of her wine glass.

"Uh well I have seen this guy at the grocery store a few times I don't think he's married but pretty cute" Iris said then once again the door bell rang.

This time it was Cisco and Kamila with their son, Jason. "Hey guys everyones just in the living room" Caitlin said and they were about to go in when Jenna came.

"Wait, sorry I'm late" Jenna said "I accidentally left my present at home"

"It's alright come in" Caitlin said and they all said hello to everyone. Jenna saved Henry from a lecture that her dad was giving. Kamila went to go join the ladies in then kitchen as everyone got to talking and playing games.

Dinner came and Caitlin set everything down but instead of going everyone to eat like everyone else, she was double checking the cake and cleaning the table. "One second" Barry said and went to see his wife cleaning in the kitchen. "Cait"

"Yeah" She said

"You know you can eat right" Barry said

"Yeah, I just want to clean this area for desert" she said

"I'll do it, you just take a moment to relax ok?" He said

"Ok, I'm going to get some food, love you" Caitlin said

"Love you too" He said and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. In a few seconds he cleaned the whole kitchen so Caitlin could be stress free.

They were all laughing about Flash stories and embarrassing childhood stories. "Dad! How could you never tell us that you were part of a band!" Ellie said and had Joe to thank for this.

"Well it's not exactly the first thing that came to mind" Barry said

"What was it called?" Dawn asked

"I'm not saying" Barry said

"I remember" Iris said

"Of course you do" Barry said and Caitlin was just laughing next to him.

"What was it mum?" Nora asked

"Exploding Mustard" Iris said and everyone died of laughter

"I didn't name it" Barry said in defence. Despite the embarrassment he feels happy, sometimes it felt like he wouldn't make it for moments like this, where he could be laughing and talking with his family.

"Let me guess, lead singer?" Cisco asked and he nodded. He then looked at Caitlin and saw her dying of laughter.

"Awww, Sweetie" She said leaving in his shoulder feeling a bit sorry for him.

"Yeah ok get over it" Barry said

"Never" Henry said

"Who wants cake?" Barry said trying to changed the topic. Then they all gathered round the table. All of the younger kids stood next to Dawn as the parents took photos and then sung happy birthday.

After having the cake they talked some more before everyone except Nora left. Dawn and Nora were best friends like Henry and Ellie. Nora slept over with Barry and Caitlin half the time because of the fact that she is Barry's daughter and Nora and Dawn are best friends.

Dawn and Nora were staying up to watch movies and talk but before that Barry and Caitlin said that they had a surprise for her. "Yeah what's up?" She asked

"Happy Birthday" Barry said giving her the present. She opened up and saw a framed picture of the 3 of them but she doesn't remember taking it and by the looks of her it looked recent but her parents look so much younger.

"I don't remember this photo" She said

"That's because it was taken in 2018..." Caitlin said and Barry finished

"When a different version of you came to visit us" Barry said

"What do you mean different version?" Dawn asked confused

"Different timeline" Caitlin said

"We wanted you to know about this and if you have any questions you can't ask them but it's a cute photo and we thought you'd like it" Barry said. They were right when she ignored where it came from she did like the photo. They were all laughing and it looked so real, like there was no stress in the world.

"I love it, thank you" Dawn said and hugged them both.

"We love you too" Caitlin said and started getting Deja Vu, Barry with a similar feeling but they didn't show it.

"I'm going to go back downstairs, Good night" She said

"Night sweetie" Barry said and she left. "Did you also get Deja vu?"

"Yes" Caitlin said "But she's ok now and we've dealt with what happened them plus we are going to protect her"

"That's right" Barry said "Love you"

"Love you more" she said and they stared kissing each other passionately. "We should probably go to bed" Caitlin said pulling away and walked away

"Such a tease" Barry mumbled and they went to bed in each others arms.

Hey guys, I decided to write a short Epilogue and I think that it will be the end of the book. Thanks for everyone who has been reading, voting and commenting. Never in a million years did I think I would get 2k reads!

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