21 - Many Dilemmas

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The next morning Barry woke up in Star Labs with a fresh mind. He had some clarity after his talk with Caitlin and knew exactly how to appeal to Cicada. He wanted to thank her for what she said and was hopping she came to Star Labs early like she usually does. He was pacing in Star Labs and then he heard some footsteps but knew it wasn't her. Instead entered a happy Cisco. "Hey dude" Cisco said

"Hey man, I think I know a way to get Cicada to take the cure." Barry said

"How?" Cisco said

"I need to appeal to him as a father, not as the Flash" Barry said

"But that means showing him who you really are and if it dosen't work then he knows how to come after each of us." Cisco says

"It's going to work because that's his one weakness" Barry said "It has to work"

"Hey guys" Caitlin said walking into the cortex with Dawn.

"Hey" Barry and Cisco said and Dawn gave her dad a hug.

"Should I be offended I didn't at least get a hello" Cisco said and Dawn giggled.

"Hi uncle Cisco" Dawn said

"Thank you" Cisco said and the alarms started going off.

"Cicada" Dawn said.

"Well he's never struck this early before we must have set him off" Caitlin said

"I got this" Barry said

"Barry" Caitlin said in a strict tone

"Cait, I need to do this alone" Barry said

"Did you hear a word of what I said yesterday?" Caitlin asked getting a bit angry.

"Every word but Cait to convince him I have to go alone, if all of us go and confront him then it won't work. I know you scared of losing me but I have to go" Barry said walking closer to her and then rester his hands on her forearms.

"Hurry you'll lose him" Caitlin said softly. Barry smiled at her and then his eyes sparkled with lightning, next thing she knew he was gone. The three of them huddled around the centre console when Iris, Joe, Sherlock and Nora walked in.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Joe asked

"Barry is going to try and convince Cicada to take the cure" Dawn said and the rest of the huddled around the computer to watch what Barry does. Cicada as just at a storage room picking up some tools he would need when Barry came. He has his mask off so all you could see was Orlin Dwyer.

"Hey Flash" Dwyer said turning around with his blade in hand.

"I just want to talk" Barry said

"There is no more talking" Dwyer said "Everytime one of you metas comes near the rest of us, good people get hurt. This is what you deserve, what all of you deserve"

"Does that include Grace?" Barry said and Dwyer looked at him confused. "Dr Ambres didn't tell you, Grace is a meta. When the satellite crashed she was hit with some strapnel that was infused with dark matter. It's the same reason she is in a coma. Now it's changing her into a meta."

"Your lying" Dwyer said

"That's the reason we had to find you, you might do something you can't come back from." Barry said and Dwyer got too angry and shoved Barry into a nearby wall. It looked like Dwyer was going to stab him but his dagger went into the wall behind Barry right next to his face. "I know how much you care about Grace, You're trying to make the world a better place for her but she didn't chose to be a meta. Just because she is meta does that mean she deserves to die?"

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