Chapter 7 - Logan Enters the Party

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Climbing the mountain had been daunting, but Logan was very focused on his plan. That was one thing he had been told several times, that his tenacity was both his greatest strength and his most annoying trait. He planned on using that completely to his advantage. The prince had been missing for over a week now, and someone needed to go out and find him, but no one was as well suited for this job as he was. He and Roman were best friends, and Roman was an idiot. Logan knew that he had gone off chasing fairytales, looking for any solution to the curse that had been plaguing the land. The prince had a good heart, but his head did not always sit squarely on his shoulders.

During his climb, he reached a cave entrance that was off to the side, mostly hidden by trees and bushes. Roman would have gone looking for something big, flashing, and obvious, but if he was already deeper inside of the mountain a side entrance might be easier. Not to mention, where dragons may no longer exist, there were still plenty of cave-dwelling monsters that could be a potential problem.

He searched his pack for a potion of dark sight, it will allow him to search the cave without carrying a torch which could be very conspicuous. The darkened entrance lit up with the magic in his eyes, and Logan took a hesitant step in, moving around as quietly as he could. He had been smart in choosing a side entrance. This wasn't a normal cave. After only a few meters, the natural stone walls began to give way to something that was purposefully carved, and shortly after that, there were doors. His curiosity got the better of him, he said it was because he was looking for Roman, but he knew it was more than that.

The first few rooms weren't anything interesting, a few bedrooms that looked as if they hadn't been used in a while, one bedroom that was completely trashed, and another that was pristine. The room that interested Logan the most was a few doors later.

A library.

Logan stopped as he looked over the massive vault of information and history. He was the castle historian and Roman's advisor, and this was more books than he had seen in his lifetime. He felt himself being pulled into the room on instinct, a million questions running through his mind as he began to look over the different volumes. A lot of the books were in languages Logan didn't know existed, much less understood, and the excitement welled within him. He knew he needed to find Roman, but a short break wasn't going to hurt him, right?

A short break quickly turned into a few hours, and Logan wasn't broken out of his trance until he found himself on the floor, a man who looked very much like the prince, but just slightly off, pinning him to the ground.

"Hello, hot stuff, who are you?"

He was floundering for words, his brain still trying to catch up to the fact that he had just been pushed to the ground by the prince's doppelganger.

"You are not fae are you?"

"Nope, pretty sure I'm human, but you still haven't answered my question, so now I get two. Who are you, and why are you here?"

Logan swallowed, trying to adjust himself so he felt like he was in a less compromising position. "You may call me Logan, and I am looking for Prince Roman."

"Really? Cuz it looks like you were looking through dad's books."

Logan flushed, "Yes, well, I may have gotten a bit distracted, but that does not change my initial purpose."

"Did you know Prince Underarm Stink had a twin? My name is Remus."

"No... I was unaware... would you be willing to get off of me now so that I could sit up?"

"Nah, it's more fun like this."

Logan swallowed, "And is Prince Roman here?"

"Yep, but why are you so interested in him? Are you in love with him?"

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