Eijro's Party

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It's the end of the day and during class your class was doing a group project, you were with Mina and Momo this time.

"Mina I don't get how your hair is like that" Momo said "hey hey heyyy, I woke up late today and Ejiro said he wasn't coming to school so I had to get a ride from Hanta and he had to drive on the bumpy parts of the road while I was trying to do my hair, my flat iron burned my hand so I said fuck it" you laughed and shook your head "so Y/n how's you and your Katsuki situation, hmmmm" you looked at Mina with so much judgment in your face then looked back down "Y/n you gotta do something, I can't have my best friend die alone being a virgin" before she could say anything else about your virginity out loud you kicked her real hard "shut the hell up for once alright, I told you that wouldn't happen, I'm allergic to cats dumbass" you felt someone looking at you so you turned around seeing Katsuki in front of you "let's talk".

He took you outside of the classroom and looked you in your eyes "you're idiotic" you scoffed "and how so" you balled your fists about to get mad "if you need me just say that Y/n" you laughed and rolled your eyes "I don't need you at all Katsuki don't fuck with me" he smirked and raised your chin "you look good with that glare, but you know what would look even better?" You rolled your eyes once again "what me in your bed." all Katsuki did was wink and kissed your cheek "wait I was joking you know!" Katsuki laughed and walked back into class.

After you collected your thoughts, you walked back inside as well and walked up to him "try me" he smirked as you walked away back to your table "the fuck was that?" Mina said "nothing". A bit later the last hell rung and you quickly left, you were getting your things out your locker and suddenly you felt two people behind you, you turned around seeing Tatami and Cami "fuck is this, can y'all two lice infestations get out the way" they rolled their eyes at you "just because you broke up with Shindo and hooking up with Katsuki doesn't mean you can talk shit" you looked at them in disbelief "hooking up!? When were we ever hooking up" you asked "Everyone knows y'all are, like why are you two hanging with each other" you scoffed and walked away.

"Thanks for dropping me off" you said to Katsuki "we do this every day stop thanking me" you smiled and got out the car "bye Katsuki" you walked inside your home and surprisingly it was all quiet, your father left last month and your mother would always have one of her  sorority sister's over but she was on a business trip and she wouldn't be back for a while. You ran upstairs to go take a shower and to start on your homework. After you got out the shower you were being lazy and just threw on a bra and shorts then just went to sleep.

hours later

"*yawns* this nigga"

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"*yawns* this nigga"

"*yawns* this nigga"

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