A Fake First Date?

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"I hate you so much" you said to Katsuki as you sat down at the lunch table" he smirked "why" "because we never eat in here but that all changed today" he rolled his eyes at your complaining "oh shut up, you'll be okay I promise" you sighed and ate one of your cookies "can I get one?" you looked up at Katsuki and handed him one "thank you" you slightly smiled and nodded "so have you started that lab project yet" you asked "fuck no, I'm not I'm not collecting bugs" you laughed "Your such a baby" you said "oh but you aren't?" you rolled your eyes as Katsuki smirked at you "shut up shitface"


As lunch ended you walked to you locker and saw Mina waiting for you "let's go to the mall" she said "what why" you asked "you're going on a date tonight and I want you to look good" you sighed and got your things for your next class "Y/n we're going to the mall now, class can wait" you whined and put your stuff back in your locker then left school with Mina.

Mina agreed to let you take a nap since she did make you skip school but you couldn't go to sleep "Mina I'm freaking out" you said, she side eyed you looking confused "I think I like Katsuki already what am I gonna do" Mina gasped and stopped at the red light then looked at you "FINALLY, GIRL TELL HIM TONIGHT" she yelled "no, he'll definitely say he doesn't like me" Mina scoffed and pulled up in a parking space "Girl he likes you, trust me on it he does" you rolled your eyes "since when" "tch since forever, maybe that's why he used to take your cookies when we were kids"

you smiled a bit then got out the car "I'm still not gonna tell him" Mina sighed and got out the car as well "just think about everything I said Y/n" you sighed and nodded "okay won't be too long because I already got the dress you need to wear and you don't gotta do much for your hair since you stay having it done somehow  "it's called having a job, and don't hate on this love" Mina laughed and dragged you inside "can't I stay in the car, bet we gotta walk so far" Mina rolled her eyes at you and took you to the store right by you "Hi I'm here to pick up a dress under the name Katsuki Bakugo, he's too lazy to pick it up" the store clerk nodded and went in the back "sooo Katsuki ordered the dress?" you asked "I picked it out and he ordered it" you sighed and texted him

you smiled a bit then got out the car "I'm still not gonna tell him" Mina sighed and got out the car as well "just think about everything I said Y/n" you sighed and nodded "okay won't be too long because I already got the dress you need to wear an...

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"What the fuck was I thinking?"

After being with Mina for another two hours you were finally home  "Alexa play Persian Rugs" you got the dress and hung it up on your closest and went to take the shower, you didn't take long or so you had thought but once you got out you heard a knock at the front door "shit" you quickly dried off and threw on your robe and went downstairs to open the door.

"Did you get my calls, I've been waiting almost twenty minutes" Katsuki said "uh no, as you can hear I've been blastin the same song over and over again, Katsuki sighed and walked inside "um take this as a sorry for making you wait" you gave him what was left of your mini pretzels and ran upstairs "alright Y/n just do some lipstick eyebrows and lashes that's it" you said to yourself, you quickly did everything and fixed up your hair then put on your dress

 "Did you get my calls, I've been waiting almost twenty minutes" Katsuki said "uh no, as you can hear I've been blastin the same song over and over again, Katsuki sighed and walked inside "um take this as a sorry for making you wait" you gave him ...

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"What kind of nigga does he think is for getting this dress feel like I'm wearing a corset" you sighed and looked at yourself "damn I don't look too bad" "not at all" you turned around facing Katsuki "who told you to come up here" you said "myself, there wasn't enough pretzels in there to eat" you laughed and your purse "Y/n.." "Yes Katsuki"

He sighed and turned you around "sit down for a second" you slowly nodded and sat on your bed "I like you alright, and I really don't wanna be in a fake relationship with you at all" you smiled and took out your hand "glad you said it before me" Katsuki smirked and took your hand "well then, will you be my real girlfriend" you smiled and nodded "of course" Katsuki kissed your forehead and walked you outside to his car.


While you and Katsuki waited for your waiter to come to your table y'all were talking up nonsense till he just stared at you "then Martin wanted to be an asshole and take-what's wrong, am I talking too much" he laughed and shook his head "not at all" you smiled "I have something for you, it's not really  a big thing I just know you like those matching rings so I got one for you and guess for me" you smiled and laughed as he gave you yours.

"so one heart, aaand another" you smiled again and looked at him "hello I'm your server Adam, do we know what we'll want to drink" "um yeah sparkling water" Katsuki said clearing his throat.

"um just a water" "alright and do we know what we'd like to eat maybe?" Katsuki looked at you as you looked at then menu "get anything you want" you looked up at him then quickly back at the menu "No I don't know what I want at the moment" Adam nodded and walked away "there's just fucking salad on here I want a big ass steak or maybe even two" Katsuki laughed "fat ass" you playfully rolled your eyes and studied the menu again "this big ass menu is bigger than my face"


After eating some dinner Katsuki took you to the park right by the restaurant "why aren't we going to the car?" you asked "we'll be going on a carriage ride" you smiled and held his hand, as the carriage pulled up Katsuki helped you get on and took a picture of you "why" you said "why not" you sighed and leaned on his shoulder "tired?" you nodded "try to stay awake dear" you sighed and looked at the stars "look at the stars Katsuki" he looked up and smiled "Ooo take a picture" you said "you must like stars huh" you nodded "they're pretty" he smiled and held your hand.

After the carriage ride Katsuki took you home and walked you to the door "are you gonne go inside, or no?" you slowly nodded "I'm tired" Katsuki sighed you fully opened the door and carried you to your room, he took off your shoes "take your dress off" you sighed and shook your head "god your difficult" Katsuki took the dress off you and put you on some shorts, he then found some shorts and put them on then laid next to you "Y/n" "hm" "goodnight" you didn't respond and just hugged up on Katsuki "asshole" "shut the fuck up"

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