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"Did you decide yet?" Mina asked as she took pictures of herself, she was waiting for you to finish your hair.

"Uh think so," you mumbled as you did your edges, it was your last week of school before graduation, and you knew where you were going but you were waiting till the end pf the week, not even your parents knew where you're going.

When you were done with your hair, you did some lip liner then the two of you left the house. Katsuki was waiting for you both though he seriously didn't want to.

"Took you long enough, hurry up before we're late," he said opening the doors for you both.

"It wasn't even that long Katsuki, you just complain to complain, damn," Mina laughed as he started the car.

"Man shut the hell up, somebody who barely even made it into getting into collage can't say shit to me,"

"That test was hard as fuck! at least I got a good score! you just dick ridin,"

The two of them were arguing the entire car ride but you didn't care at this point, you were just ready to get to school so you could get back home.

When the three of you got to school, you went straight to class..well after stopping to the vending machine.

"Where y'all been?" Kyoka asked as you and Mina sat down "we went to the vending machine when we got here, want some?" Mina asked referring to her sour patch kids.

As class went on you weren't as focused honestly, you were tired as hell and didn't even want to be there anymore, should've skipped. Then it felt like you were saved when your named was called to the office for dismissal.

"Girl we just got here," Mina laughed "so? you be leaving all the time," you said before leaving the room.

Once you were down in the office you see your mother all excited "are you okay? You're smiling all hard, she simply nodded then basically dragged you out of the school.

"We have some things to do, especially for tomorrow,"

You sighed and just stayed quiet. While out with her she had stopped at the mall and started a little shopping spree.

"Why are you shopping like this?" You asked her "this will probably be my last time shopping with you while you're in high school, let me enjoy this Y/n,"

You sighed once more and continued following her, but the time you arrived to the last store it was around eleven thirty.

"Wasn't this fun? Let's go grab some food then I'll take you back to school...enjoy your last day," she said quickly going to the food court.

After eating and talking some she took you back in the middle of your study hall so you went straight to your class seeing Katsuki on his phone.

"You're...back?" He asked and you nodded slowly.

"Was I not suppose to?" You ask him and he shrugs "just..wasn't expecting you to," he sighed, you just ignored him and his attitude.

He didn't say anything else, instead he just rested his head on your shoulder.

"Can you get off me pl-"

"No, shut up N/n" he said, laughing softly as he watched instagram reels and eating some chips. You tried reaching for some but he immediately snatched the bag away.

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