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(A/N: First of all, that Fanart tho. ❤️)

You were growing impatient with the boy in front of you. He wore a smirk, trying to challenge you. Your eyes almost completely rolled out of your head. He was trying to start another argument between the two of you but you weren't going to cave and stoop to his level. You were mad at him because it was your birthday and he already made plans to go out with Naruto. It annoyed the hell out of you but to avoid another fight you just shrugged and plopped down on the couch.

"Okay. Go ahead. Go hang out with your boyfriend then. I'll just stay home and read."

Sasuke blinked in confusion and his brows furrowed. He wasn't use to getting his way without you fighting with him about it. It was strange that you'd just give up and let him do whatever, even on your birthday. He thought you were acting strangely, at least until he watched a smirk form on your lips.

"What are you smirking about?"

"Nothing. I won't be alone. Itachi promised to hang out with me."

"Excuse me?"

"Yea. I asked him a month ago because I knew you'd do this to me. At the rate our relationship is going Sasuke, we probably won't be together much longer if you don't stop with your dumb bullshit. I can only take so much of your toxicity and I'm not going to waste my energy anymore fighting with you. Do whatever you want. I don't give a shit anymore. In fact, why don't you just go ahead and move in with that pink haired bitch you cheated on me with a year ago."

Sasuke froze in his spot as his eyes widened. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys, walking out the door. Once it slammed you grinned and grabbed your phone. You waited until you heard him drive away before dialing Itachi's number.

"(Y/n), hey. Are we still on for tonight?"

"Yea. Sasuke left all pissed off because I wouldn't argue back with him. So you can go ahead and head over if you want."

"Yea of course. See you in a bit. I have to make a quick stop first."

"Alright Ita. Be safe and not a reckless endangerment to those around you."

You could almost hear his eyes roll from the other end of the line. You giggled after hearing a soft chuckle come from his end and he hung up, saying he had a surprise for you. You yawned and tossed your phone on the table before laying down on your couch. You fell asleep fairly easily, having been tired from being up all night because of Sasuke wanting to piss you to off with a bunch of arguing. Which he started of course, he always did.

You didn't hear the knock on the door and Itachi used the key you had given him to unlock the door and come inside. The loud sound of bottles clinking made your eyes shoot open and you sat up as he rounded the corner. You yawned and smiled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"Ugh sorry. I guess I passed out."

"Sasuke kept you up all night again, didn't he?"

You nodded and stood up, following Itachi into the kitchen where he sat the bags of groceries on the table. He smiled and pulled out a big bottle of wine and two wine glasses. After that he pulled out all of the ingredients to your favorite meal.

"Itachi. You really didn't have to."

"I know. But I wanted to. Sasuke has been treating you like shit lately and I'm probably going to put him in his place when he gets home tonight. I'm not going to apologize for it either. Because you deserve better than that."

"Yea I know. But still, he's your little brother. You aren't scared to fuck up your relationship with him over me? I mean, I'm nothing special you know. I'm just some dumb bitch he met at the park three years ago. Back when he wasn't a complete dick for no reason. Sometimes I wonder why I even said yes to being him to begin with until I start thinking about our first date. I don't understand what happened. He use to be so sweet. I never thought he could be so toxic."

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