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(In this oneshot the reader will start off as someone that abuses pills. But it will change! Just a warning if you could be triggered easily due to drugs, suicide and self harm.)


Day 1

You fidgeted with your jacket as you sat on the couch. You were starting to feel withdrawals again and it was starting to get worse. Your phone lit up and you grabbed it, checking the text message. You were waiting on a text back from your dealer. You were starting to get impatient. It wasn't like him to take this long and you were starting to get super anxious. All you wanted to do was take a Xanax and chill.

Of course, you weren't always addicted to pills. You started having anxiety problems and the doctor prescribed you some Xanax for the anxiety/panic attacks. Of course, your insurance ran out and you couldn't afford the medicine anymore. So you turned to the guy you bought weed off of, Deidara. He was a real sweet guy. Kind of flirty. But he never crossed any lines. Which you were grateful for.

Of course, with every addiction comes problems. Your friends all slowly started getting pushed away. Even your best friend Naruto. The one you shared everything with. Ever since your parent's death, you slowly got into the habit of just popping a pill in the morning and one at night. It was the only way you could get any sleep and get through the day. Of course, it was already one in the morning so you ended up passing out on the couch.


Day 2

"Hey, sorry I never got back to you last night. I was.. busy."

"It's fine Dei. I'm just trying to get through the day without freaking out. I had a panic attack last night because I ran out of pills. Do you have any more Xanax?"

"Uh no. But I have weed if that will work for now. I have a couple people over though so if you want to wait-"

"Absolutely not. I'll smoke with you too. And whoever else wants to smoke. I'm walking out the door now. See you in five."

You grabbed your phone and keys, running out the door. You were so anxious you forgot you were wearing short shorts and a tank top. Which showed off your scars. Your hair was a complete wreck. And on top of that, your eyes were bloodshot and there were bags under your eyes from not sleeping the night before. You quickly got in your car and started it, buckling in and fixing your mirrors. You took a deep breath and plugged your phone up, play PleaseXanny by Chase Atlantic.

Once you put your phone on do not disturb and layed it in your lap, you threw the car in reverse and backed out carefully. You've always been a cautious driver. Though when you're high from the pills, you were even more cautious when driving. You glanced in the mirror and noticed your hair. A groan sounded through the car as you sighed and turned up the music. Music was one of the only things that would help you get through the withdrawals and you were especially partial to the band Chase Atlantic.

Once you pulled into Deidara's driveway and put the car in park, you quickly grabbed your brush, trying to make yourself somewhat decent. But when you noticed your scars were showing you cursed under your breath and grabbed a blanket you had in the backseat. You took a deep breath and turned the car off, sighing deeply as you pulled your keys out of the ignition. You grabbed your phone and stepped out of the car, wrapping the blanket around yourself.

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