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"Hey little sister?"

You stopped reading and looked up at your older brother Itachi. You raised a brow, wondering what he wanted.

"Yea? I finished my chores already if that's what you're wanting to ask about."

"No. I just wanted to let you know my friend is coming over for the weekend. Please be nice."

"I'll be nice if he's nice Itachi. I'm not a bitch for no reason. Your coworkers are all assholes. That's why I'm a bitch when they're around. Besides, I have a friend coming over anyways."

"Who is it? It's that Hyūga isn't it?"

"If by Hyūga you mean Neji, then yes. Why, is that a problem?"

"Maybe, if he touches you I'll break his fingers."

"Gee thanks Itachi. Just what I need you to do. Break my boyfriend's fingers."

He rolled his eyes at your sarcastic tone before a glare rested on his features. You raised a brow, "What?"

"You know mother and father would be upset if they knew you were dating him. Let alone being friends. Our clans don't mix."

The doorbell rang and you grinned, "Be nice. He's been nothing but a gentlemen."


You grinned, quickly running downstairs and flung the door open. The person standing there was definitely not Neji. But boy was he handsome.

"Hey sweetheart."

"Well damn. I'm (name). Itachi's little sister."

"Oh. Well then it's a pleasure, (name)."

Itachi sighed as he walked up behind you, "Cut it out Shisui. She's my sister, stop flirting. Besides, she's dating a Hyūga."

"Jeez you act like he's going to kill me, chill."

"Go pester Sasuke. He's playing your favorite video game."

"Oh! He's about to play against me and lose."

You grinned evilly and ran upstairs. Shisui glanced at Itachi and he sighed.

"Shisui don't you dare say-"

"That your sister is cute? Yea man, she's pretty fucking cute."

"Gross. Come on you idiot."


"Hey so what's up? What did you want to come over for?"

Neji sighed, sitting next to you, "Well my uncle found out and was furious."

"Shit. Sorry Neji."

"Yea. I'm sorry but I think we should-"

"Break up and not hang out like ever again? Yea. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for seeing me again. Fucking lame. Oh well, we can still text and call each other or whatever."

"Yea definitely. You're a really good person. Also, I'm happy we got to spend a little time together even if it was only a couple of months-"

Your eyes widened as you quickly slapped your hand over Neji's mouth as you heard Itachi talking with Shisui outside your bedroom door.

"Sorry. It's just technically I'm not supposed to be seeing you either. I mean Itachi knows and is against it completely but if Sasuke found out he'd flip."

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