NarutoxReaderxSasuke (🍋)

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You smiled as you walked around the village with Sasuke and Naruto. The three of you had just gotten lunch and were suppose to just do whatever today. You didn't have any missions so you had free time to do whatever.

"Hey (y/n)."

"What's up Sasuke?"

You watched as he smirked at Naruto and glanced at Naruto to see him glaring at Sasuke.

"Don't you dare Sasuke."

"What is with you two lately? You're constantly arguing with each other. It's annoying," she reached up, flicking them in their foreheads, "Stop. You two are twenty one, act like it."

"Tch. You can have her Naruto. I don't want to take her out on a date if she's going to abuse me. That's toxic as hell."

He smirked over at you and you rolled your eyes, flicking his forehead. You smiled sweetly at him before turning to Naruto who grinned over at you.

"I'd rather go out with Naruto anyways. He's not an ass like you, Sasuke. Maybe I'll tell Itachi you're being mean to me!"

"Like he'd do anything."

He rolled his eyes as you all came to a stop at a field of flowers. You smiled and picked some flowers and the boys watched as you opened your hand. The flowers floated up, forming two flower crowns. You lifted your hand and flicked your fingers causing the flowers crowns to float over to hover above the boys heads for a second before falling, landing on their heads.

You laughed at Sasuke's expression as his face flushed and Naruto smiled and took his flower crown off of his head as you walked over and placed it on your head, causing your face to flush as you glanced at Sasuke. He was watching Naruto carefully with narrowed eyes as he grinned at you. Sasuke's eyebrow twitched in irritation as he watched your interaction with Naruto.

"A princess should always wear her crown before handing it off to a knight."

"You know something? You're awfully airheaded but you can really smooth talk."

"(Y/n). Are you still coming to have dinner with us?"

"Yea. One second though."

You quickly made another crown and placed it on Naruto's head, kissing his cheek before you ran over to Sasuke.

"(Y/n) wait!"

You and Sasuke stopped walking and turned as Naruto grabbed you and pulled you in for kiss. Your face flushed as he pulled away, grinning.


"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You're just so cute, (y/n)."

"If you two are done, we need to go before we're late. You know how mom is, (y/n)."

Sasuke's voice was laced with irritation and he watched you closely as Naruto released you. You quickly turned, following Sasuke.

"Goodnight Naruto!"


"So (y/n). I heard you got asked to join the anbu."

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