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You watched as your older brother talked to his best friend as they made their way to you. You still couldn't understand why girls would throw themselves at Kakashi. He was always wearing that stupid mask. Though you've seen what lies underneath, so if he were to take it off, then you would understand. Its true, your brother is insanely gorgeous under that mask.

Obito on the other hand is a different story. He was gorgeous and a bit of a dork but its one of the things you admired about him. He could care less what anyone thought of him. You strived to be that way but your insecurities always seemed to get the better of you.

The two of them walked over to sit on either side of you and you smiled as the wind blew. It was warm out this time of year and the wind brought with it the smell of flowers and freshly mown grass. Obito nudged you, pulling you out of your trance as you turned to look up at him.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later or something."

"Oh! Yea I was just gonna chill at home by myself so that sounds like fun. Time and place?"

"Whenever you want and my place. Unless you want to go out."

"Your place sounds good. We can order takeout and watch a movie or something."

"It's gonna be just us tonight. Is that alright?"

"Yea. That's fine with me."

You smiled, excitement flashing in your eyes. Most of the time when you would hang out with Obito, Kakashi would tag along. So being alone with him made you excited. You started feeling butterflies at the thought of it as the heat rushed into your cheeks. You cleared your throat and turned to look at your brother, seeing the smirk behind his mask.

Of course, he knew about the huge crush you had on Obito but he promised not to tell. He decided he would chill at home tonight instead of tagging along for your sake. Your eyes narrowed as a glare rested on your features.

"Not a word, Kakashi."

"Yea sure thing, sis. I'm gonna head home. Have fun on your date (y/n)."

"Kakashi. You have three seconds to run before I beat the shit out of you."

He quickly got up and walked off as you muttered under your breath about digging a hole to throw him in. You rolled your eyes and groaned in irritation as you layed back on the grass.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing. Kakashi is just being a idiot, per usual. He pisses me off."

Obito laughed softly, smiling down at you, "Well of course he pisses you off. He wouldn't be a good older brother if he didn't. But you can bet your ass he'd take a bullet for you. He really loves you (y/n)."

"Yea I know. But sometimes I wish he would mind his own business. He spends so much time worrying about me and especially my love life that he doesn't have one of his own. Tch, idiot."

"Ah, but you're his little sister so I can see why he has a problem with minding his own business. Then again, you are a cute girl so I'm sure he's overprotective because of that."

"Me, cute? Obito are you on drugs?"

"No. You're cute. It's a fact, obviously. All the Uchiha boys have a thing for you. Especially that Itachi."

"Obito, are you jealous? Come on now, I've never even met the others. Besides, how can you really like someone if you don't know anything about them? They may think I'm attractive and know of me or who I am. But they don't know me. Not at all like you do. Consider yourself lucky. I don't let just anyone get to know me. Besides, most of the Uchiha are stuck up assholes who think they're better than everyone else. I'm just well known because of my last name."

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