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"Yuki hurry up!"

"I'm coming mom! Jeez!"

You rolled your eyes at your ten year old's attitude. He was much like his father, Kakashi. You were only rushing him because you overslept and were running behind. Today was the day Kakashi would officially become Hokage and you promised you'd be there with him. Your son came running down the hall in his ninja outfit and you smiled. He is a spitting image of Kakashi. Down to the outfit he wore when the two of you were younger.

"I'm ready mom, let's go!"

"Yea come on!"

The two of you quickly ran out of the apartment and jumped over the railing. As soon as your feet hit the ground, you and Yuki took off running. You ran through the streets, waving and smiling at the villagers until you came to the Hokage building. People were already surrounding it and waiting so you grabbed Yuki and pushed through the crowd as he sat on your shoulders.

You finally made it to the top and Kakashi smiled as he walked over, taking Yuki off of your shoulders. Yuki grinned, hugging his father's neck as Kakashi kissed your forehead. You let out a soft sigh of relief, thanking God you had made it in time. You kind of got into the habit of being late because of Kakashi. So if anyone is to blame it would be him.

"Sorry sweetheart, we were running late."

"It's alright. How has Yuki been for you today? Was he good?"

Kakashi glanced down at Yuki who crossed his arms over his chest as his eyes narrowed. You giggled, being reminded of how Kakashi was when he was younger.

"He was well behaved today. I think he deserves a treat when we finish up here. Also, I have a surprise for you."

"Oh yea? What is it?"

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be a surprise would it?"

"Hah! I already know what it is daddy! But momma swore me to secrecy so if you think you're going to get me to crack under pressure you can forget it!"

Yuki was only ten but he had already graduated from the academy due to the smarts he got from you and his father. He was suppose to be meeting up with his team in a couple of days. You smiled, placing a hand on Yuki's back as Kakashi guided the two of you to your spots to look down at the villagers.

Once everything was done, you smiled over at Kakashi, watching as he smiled his famous closed eye smile while he waved at the crowd. You never thought that he'd willingly go through with being Hokage but he finally caved after months of you convincing him. He was just right for the position after all.

"Hey sweetheart, will you do me a favor?"

"Yea what is it, angel?"

"Will you help Yuki with his training? I have something to do with Sakura and the girls."

"Of course. Is everything alright?"

"Of course. Just have to get your surprise set up so you two train as much as you can. Just don't let him overdo it. He has a habit of pushing himself to the brink of chakra exhaustion."

"Yes ma'am. Alright kiddo, let's go. Do you have everything?"

"Duh! I never leave the house without my weapons in case I need them."

You smiled as you watched the two of them walk away together, giggling at your son. You had plans to go meet up with everyone so you quickly started making your way to Sakura's. Once you arrived you knocked on the door and grinned as Sasuke opened it.

"Sasuke! Thanks for coming back for this. I know you're super busy so I'm really grateful."

He stepped aside so you could walk in and smiled as he guided you to the kitchen.

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