Chapter 7 part 1

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*slowing things down a bit*

It's been about a year since Mila's latest movie came out into theaters. The new found single woman(yes single. Work with me people) is wanting to go in a new direction in life. So tonight she's going out to the club with a few good friends. Mila is wearing a black dress that comes down to her knees, and mostly made of lace. On her left wrist she is wearing a gold braclet. To complete the look she has on a few rings.

"Love Me Harder" by Ariana Grande featuring The Weekend blares through the club speakers. Mila dances alone while her friends occupy the bar. "Mila? Is that you?", a deep voice asked. Mila would know that voice anywhere. She turned around. "Hello Christian", she said not showing any emotion. She had to admit that he looked good. "I wouldn't expect you to be in a place like this. Change of routine? You surprise me Ms. Amora.", he said flirtatisiouly. Mila rolled her eyes. "Flattery will get you nowhere. I'm not going there with you." Christian twirls her around and puts her back to his chest. "But I love going there with you", he whispered. He kissed Mila on the neck, her eyes rolledd to the back of her head automatically. He remembered her hot spot. He still has the ability to turn her on. "Don't fight it Mila. No matter have much pride you have you can't deny what your body is telling you." "You like this don't you? Being able to toy with women? Guess what? I'm a woman that know how to play the game too.", Mila says. Unexpectedly Mila turns around and knees Christian in the balls and slaps the shit out of him. He groans in pain clutching himself in the floor. Mila carelessly steps over him in her Louiboutin heels and walks over to the bar and sat a seat in the plush stool. The bartender walks ovet. "What can I get you Ms.", he asks. "I'll have a Sore Balls please." Mila laughed to herself. She we wanted Christian, but he would have to work for it. Let the games begin. Now it's time for Christian to beg for her. Maybe she'll give him what they both want when it's all said and done or maybe she won't. It's time to make him want her like he's never wanted any other woman. "Prepare to be in your knees Christian. You'll make a nice little puppy.", Mila Said yo herself. It's game on.

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