Old Flame

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I'll let him have this round. Trust me when I say I'm not about to beg a man to sleep with me. That's not how this lady rolls. Though I do wish I hadn't cooked that big meal. I was willing to give him the platinum special and this is my payment. But it's okay. That will do just fine.
I lay down on the massage table, it's been a long time coming. I need this relaxation time for myself. It's been a long time since I relaxed. After today it's back to business and there is plenty of things to be done. I won't pretend like everything is peachy, because it's not. Christian really pissed me off last night. He was probably expecting me to come crawling but to him. He obviously forgot who I was. No woman should ever have to beg a man to show them attention, that's their job. I'll play it cool, like it doesn't even bother me. When I know I was ready to ride myself into an orgasm with him as my steering wheel. His loss, it's my party and I can do what I want when I want.
I put my groceries on my counter and but down my now ripped purse. Yt? his is supposed to be a relaxing day and I just had to go to the store. So called fans broke my purse, attempting to get me to stay. I bet once I popped her in the head her ass knew she fucked up.
The doorbell rings. Who in the hell could that be. If it's Christian I swear I'm gonna slap the piss out of him. I walk to my door. It's not Christian at the door. In fact I would rather it be him than who it really is. I swing open the door. "Who told you where I lived?", I ask.
"We need to talk. There are a few things we need to straighten out.", he says.
"We don't have a damn thing to straighten out. I want you to get away from my house.", I say with much attitude.
"Listen Mila, I understand that I hurt you, but you should at least give me a chance to clear the air.", he says calmly.
"Dorian, what I should do is curse you out, but I'm trying to be a lady. The lady you keep standing there, the harder it is for me to keep my composure.", I say.
"Then let me in. We promised that we would always talk things out.", Dorian said, he trying to guilt trip me.
"We also promised to be faithful to one another didn't we? But it seems I'm the only one who kept that promise.", I say folding my arms over my chest.
"I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me Mila.", he says.
I roll my eyes and step aside to let him in. I know he'll stay out here all night and day. He doesn't make empty threats.
I lead him into the living room. I sit on my regular spot of the sofa. "Why are you here?", I ask.
"Well dang, you don't wanna know how I'm doing?", he ask. Is he serious right now? Why would I care how he's doing?
"No, I don't. What I really want is for you to get out of my house and pretend as if I never existed.", I speak dryly. He takes the seat beside me.
"I could never do that. Believe it or not, you still have my heart. And even if you don't want to admit it, I know I still have yours.", he says confidently.
"Do you? That's news to me.", I say bitterly.
"I know I hurt you. But there are still some things you need to know.", he says.
"Like what?", I say rolling my eyes. Why am I listening to this bullshit? He and my sister both did me dirty, so why do I care? Damn, even after all of that for some reason, I still love him.
"The child isn't mine.", he says carefully. "Just so you know, we only slept together once.", he says slowly. I don't know what came over me but one minute my hand was resting on my lap, the next it went up and slapped the fire out of his ass.
"Is that supposed to make it any better Dorian?! I don't give a damn if it was 10, 7, 2, or 8 times! The fact that you fucked her is a statement on its own!", I yell.
"Mila, you need to calm down.",he says sternly.
"Who the fuck you supposed to be? You in my gotdamn house. Not to mention you have me using profanity like this. Let me tell tell you something about yourself before I cut your ass! We dated way before my fame, but then when I start getting recognized your ass wanted to act shady. My gut kept telling me that something was going on, But I ignored it. Because I loved you. Then you had the nerve to embarrass me on television!", I scream. At this point I am livid.
"Lower your voice and calm down. I didn't know she was going to do that.", he says defensively.
"I'm not lowering a damn thing! Want me to get a little louder!! Huh! Is this better for you?!!", I don't care anymore. There aren't any neighbors for a few block, even if they could hear me I wouldn't give a damn.
"I said calm down!", his voice booms throughout the estate. He takes my hands and pins me down over the couch. Tears stream down my face as he hovers over me. I look into the eyes and see the man who still has my heart. My chest heaves up and down. He leans down and start kissing my neck.
"Get the fuck off of me.", I say. He has me pinned and I have no where to run. He kisses on my spot. "Get off me.", I whimper. My anger is being paired with another feeling. Lust. While shill kissing my neck I feel my skirt slide off of my legs. I hear him fumble with his belt. He rips m u panties off and the cloth stings my thighs.
"I still live you baby.", he says. "I know you still love me. Let me prove it to you.", he whispers in my ear.
His stiff member works it's way between the lips of my love box. I gasp, memories of our lovemaking from the past dash before my eyes. He strokes me long and slow. I try not to moan but this feels too good. I wrap my arms around his neck. "Oh Dorian, yes baby.", I moan into his ear.
"I've missed you so much baby.", he whispers. I pump my hips to met his strokes. He taking me on a high so sensual. He truly is killing me softly. He speeds up his strokes a little.
I hear my doorbell ring. Shit! That's probably Christian.
"Somebody's at my door.", I say.
"I don't care, they can come back. Right now it's me and you. Just me and you." he says. Dorian plants his lips on mine. Our tongues met halfway and intertwine for a dance. He is stroking me too good. I feel my orgasm building up." Dorian I'm about to..", he cuts me off with a kiss.
"Go ahead baby get yours. Mmmm.", he continues to pump in and out of me. "Oh my god.", I'm so close. Forgive me father for using your name in vain. He hits my spot dead on, intensifying my pleasure. I toss my head back, my eyes rolling up. "Dorian!", is all I can manage to get out before he pulls out and I squirt all over the both of us. My body trembls and my legs shake uncontrollably. I bite Dorian's lip as I ride out my orgasm. My breathing slows as my eyes close to sleep.
*y'all better be glad I love y'all. it's my birthday and I'm writing a chapter for you guys. If that's not dedication I don't know what is. Until next time :)*

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