Chapter 8

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Mila's P.O.V
I can't believe I actually did that. Do I feel bad? No. Actually I feel grand. A Play boy just got his card snipped. I feel liberated. At this moment in time I'm shooting a commercial for my perfume. The commercial has been taken care of but I need a picture to snatch it all back. I'm in business mode but all I can think about is Christian. Not in a sappy, I love him way. But, I keep thinking about his face when I told him to go home. If only I had a camera at that moment. It'll be worth his while one I drop this premium package on his. What is a premium package?
A premium is a small warm-up for platinum. When dishing out the premium there are rules a girl has to be aware of. One, there will be no dick sucking. Two, I'm not riding a damn thing. Three, no erotic positions just missionary. Four, I'm not pumping it back to you, it's your job to deliver. Premium is kind of a way to bait a guy. Make him think he's in control. You can run your hands over his body but that's as far as that goes. You job in this particular package is to check him out. Look at his face when he's in the zone. Is he a lip biter, or an eye roller? When he cums, what does his face look like? How does his body respond? Premium is also a way to see what a man is used to, therefore you know what to do in platinum mode.
Platinum is something that you wanna to keep a man on his toes. However, I find it that most women make the mistake of doing platinum too many times. Then wonder why the man left. Now he's to date me expecting platinum from the jump because you misinterpreted on what you were supposed to do. Any who, with platinum you prepare for the ultimate. Go to the spa, get a deep tissue massage. Stop by Victoria's Secret for either a new panty set of some lingerie. You can get you hair done, but that's something I don't prefer to do, because I'll be sweating it out later. When you man comes over have a meal waiting for him, have a few candles lit at the table, dim the lights. Eat as if it's just another ordinary dinner. Now after dinner what I like to do is run a bubble bath for two, put a little Jasmine oil in the water. Have some slow lovemaking music in the background. "Freak Me",by Silk is a must for me. Now that you're both in the tub, warm him up. Wash his body. Get a loofa, and rub away all that stress from his busy day. Wash him slowly, show you sensuality as if you have all the time in the world. Whisper in him ear about how good he's looking and how you've been waiting for him all day. Tell him how good he smells (a man who knows he's getting platinum should to be prepped as well). Wash everything on him. Everything. Afer your done catering to his body, allow him to cater to yours. Let him wash your body the same way you did for him. If he kisses you on the neck be cautious, because it only for two reasons. One, he's actually feeling intimate. Two, he's trying to rush. If he's feeling intimate, you got him. However, if he's rushing, go at a slower pace. It's about him and her pleasure tonight.
After the bath, tell him to wait on you. Put on the item(s) you purchased at Victoria's Secret earlier. Spray some perfume on, or my personal favorite, body oil. Walk into the room as if you were auditioning for the role of catwoman and Halle Berry was the casting director. The rest is history. What you want to do more than anything is sex his mind. Make his toes curl, have him calling your name. Be creative with the positions you do with him. Rock him to sleep. Now this is when you might think I'm a little cruel. In the morning, maybe around 9:00 wake him up to leave. Now if this is your boyfriend you can feed him, however if this is someone you just casually seeing or trying to hook, kick him out without so much as a bowl of cereal. This makes it known where the power lies. So the next time you have sex with him, give him the premium. He'll stick around for that platinum package, he'll probably mark out the days until you make that call. Don't tell when you plan to serve him up again, until it that day. If you gave him the platinum package on July the 7th, don't give it to him again until November on the 20th.
Paris decided to hang with me tonight. A typical girls night in. I told what happened between me and Christian. "Girl, I can't believe you did that. You are so bad! So are you trying to get a ring?" No she didn't. "A ring? I'm just trying to fu-", she cut me off. " "Mila, how long have we known each other? I know you like the back of my hand, and you don't do all of this unless you actually like a guy.", she said. "Okay, I like him. But l don't know about the whole wife thing. I'm still young, and it's not love.", I defended. "I said the same thing but you see how that turn out.", she trying to jinx me. "Yeah I know I was the maid of honor at your wedding. I still can't believe the price though. I would have told you to budget.", I laughed. She ran Lionel's pockets deep for a Paris themed wedding. Good thing he's a multimillionaire. "Oh whatever. My man said that I deserved the best.", she said. "If you say so.", I wasn't about to argue with her on that on. Only because I know the type of man Lionel is, a true gentleman. But he better watch out for Paris, not saying she's a money grubbing hoe or anything but money changes people. I am happy for her though. "So what are you going to do with Christian next?", she asked. "Wouldn't you like to know Ms. Nosey.", I said. "You know you want to tell me.", she says back. In all honesty I don't want to tell her. Not because I don't trust her but because I don't even really know. Not only that but Paris can be a bit judgmental at times and I don't want her passing judgment on me. "I'll keep you posted. When something big happens you'll know.", I said, only to keep her quiet. I turn my attention back to the tv, Single Ladies was on and I'm trying to pay attention. "What do you think he's doing right now?", Paris asked. "Who?", I ask, not wanting to talk anymore. Keisha was on t.v and I'm trying to listen, that's my girl. "You know I'm talking about Christian.", Paris says. "Would you be happy if I text him?", I suggest. "You know you want to that's why you Saud it.", she said. "No, I'm just trying to get you to hush.", I say honestly. "Girl, you can watch this anytime. Text your man.", she says. You would think she was single and lonely the way she's all in my business. I shouldn't have told her as much as I did. Now she's going to be getting on my nerves. "How you been telling your husband my business? ", I ask. "Huh?""Huh hell. Did you tell Lionel my business? " , I ask again. "It was only to spice up things in the bedroom. When I told him about the morning after y'all first s I'd it he was so turned on. My sex life depends on this.", she admits. U don't know whether to be flattered or disgusted with what she just said. "You guys are one step from swinging,", I stated. Oh we dabbled into that already. Ain't no shame in my game honey.", she says proudly. "So I see.", I say slowly. I unlock my phone and open a text to Christian.
Me: What are you doing?
It didn't take long for him to respond.
Christian: Nothing, do you need me to come over?
Me: Slow down lover boy it was only a question.
Christian: What are you doing?
Me: Watching Single Ladies with one of my girlfriends.
Christian: Sounds fun. Are you doing anything tomorrow?
Me: That depends.
Christian: I wanted to take you out
Me: I can do lunch
Christian: I was hoping for dinner
Me: You'll have to earn dinner
Christian: Fair enough.
Paris is starring over at my phone. She knows she is too close for my comfort.
Christian: I'll treat you to lunch. Be ready at 3
Me: Was that an order?
Christian: No, it was a request
Me: Well if you don't mind, I prefer to drive my car. We can meet up
Christian: Okay, I guess I have no choice but to agree
Me: If you expect to see me you don't
Christian: Can't I see you tonight?
Me: No.
Christian: Why?
Me: Don't beg, it's not something I want you to do over a text.
Christian: What are you doing to me?
Me: Keeping you on your toes. Good Night.
I close out of my conversation and lock my phone. "You just have to tell how tomorrow goes.", Paris says. Maybe I should be flattered. I guess I could understand on some level, somewhere. My lunch date should be fun. I already have a feeling Christian will try to redeem his player card. He can bring it though, as long as he realizes that I know his game, and he's right where I want him. Premium will definitely be on the menu at some point but not soon. What should I wear?
*picture of Mila's perfume ad in media*

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