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He was 16. I was 14. We met at camp. We weren't very close till towards the end. It was one of the last few days when we started talking. after camp ended, we had a little "after party" at the local pizza place. I admit I had a bit of a crush on him. I thought that it would just go away after a while but then we started meeting up every Sunday. My feelings started to grow. Then eventually, I started falling in love. When I realized, aa first I'm gonna tell the truth I was in denial. But I started to come to my senses and I worked up the courage to ask him out. Then the most unexpected thing happened. His eyes lit up. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. Then we kissed. It was filled with love and passion. Rough but sweet. We pulled away gasping for breath. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that" but I did. I've wanted to since the first day of camp. I pulled him in again. We kissed for a while. A little longer than last time. We pulled away again. We then felt eyes on us. We looked to our side. There we saw him. (insert name of a creepy 11 year old boy here)



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