Something that helps me sleep at night

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I sit next to her. Palms sweaty. Heart beating fast. I decided that today was the day. I'm gonna ask her out. I watch as she laughs at someone's comment. God. I work up the courage. I hand her the note and bolt out of the room. I hear her giggle as I run and my face turns pink. I go back into the room after a few minutes not making eye contact with her. I sit down and soon after she slips the paper back into my lap. I open it and see what I wrote to give to her.

(Insert name)
I have been wanting to do this for about a year. You know I've had a crush on you and I've just been waiting for it to go away. The thing is it hasn't gone away. It's gotten stronger even. So I want to go this before it's too late but I want to ask you out on a date. We could go to that park close to here. Think about it. You don't have to. I just wanted you to know.

I look below the paragraph to see if there was a response and there was a small sentence towards the bottom of the page in unique handwriting

Ok :). Lmk when ❤️.

I'm already blushing as I snap my head towards her, who's face is also a shade of pink. She looks my way and we are suddenly closer than we were before. She puts her hand on my knee as she moves her face closer to mine. I brush her hair out of her face and place my hand on her neck just under her neck with my thumb just in front  her ear. We lean closer to each other until eventually the gap is closed. That moment is the most magical moment. Her lips are just as soft as I imagined they were. I feel the energy pulsing through our lips as the kiss gets more intense. The kiss turns from reluctant to desperate. We kiss until I pull away to breathe. We look into each others eyes, blushing. After a few seconds of silence, she starts to laugh. I start to laugh along with her soon after. We laugh together for a good while. After we've stopped, she lays her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and pull her body closer to mine. We sit there for what feels like eternity until she stands up. She then reaches her hand out to me as she says "come on, we are gonna be late for our date."

The end
I'm a depressed single hopeless romantic

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