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I'm back bitches
My friend forgot me at school on Monday so I'm not talking to her now
This one is gay
It was a cold winter day and Autumn made the stupid mistake of not wearing a coat.  On her walk to the bus stop, she was shivering.

Grace was walking behind Autumn and noticed her shivering and that she didn't have a coat. Luckily she always carried an extra coat with her.

Grace snuck up behind Autumn and gave her a good scare. "AAAH- Jesus fucking Christ Grace you scary motherfucker-"

"Stop talking and take my coat. You look like your freezing"

"I am freezing. Thank you" Autumn replied blushing. Grace was Autumns best friend, but Autumn had a secret.

Autumn had the biggest crush on Grace. She has had a crush on her for about three years.

Grace saw Autumns blush but thought that it was just cold so she didn't say anything.

They got on the empty bus together and sat way in the back where the bus driver couldn't see them.

Autumn was still blushing very hard and Grace noticed.

"Yo are you fucking blushing or something?"


"Don't lie bitch"

Autumn couldn't hold it in any longer

"So you know how I'm pan?"

"Yea. We both are."

"We'll I've had a crush on this girl for about three ish years now and I think I have to tell her"

"Go for it!! You should like just walk up to her and kiss her HA"


"Now or never" Autumn thought

She got up and walked to the front of the bus so Grace couldn't see her, took a deep breath, raced to the back of the bus, and smashed her lips into Graces.

Grace made a small noise of surprise but then kissed back after a second

After a minute of making out, Grace pulled away out of breath.

"What? What's wrong?" Autumn asked, worried that she made the wrong choice to do that.

"This is our stop"

Your welcome

the adventures of Autumn and whores and other thingsWhere stories live. Discover now